It's Better If You Do


"Thank you," Rose murmured to Fred, as he pulled out the seat for her. He merely nodded and the twins began to dig in to their food with a viciousness Rose and Bellamy associated with wild animals.

Grinning to herself, trying not to laugh, she turned to her sister, with a smirk, and asked, "Vous avez menacé de lui couper la «mâle» de pièces?"

Fred blanched openly, and George eyed the sisters suspiciously. It was quite easy to tell what that sentence had been about, but he was sure they would flaunt the fact they could speak in a language they didn't know, and say whatever they liked without them knowing. They both resolved to study French from now on.

Bellamy returned her sister's smirk, and proudly answered, "Quel genre de soeur serais-je si je n'ai pas?"

Rose laughed, and it was the merriest any of them had heard all day, causing them all to smile, though Bellamy quite genuinely. "A une normale! Mais, je vous remercie," She paused, and added more seriously. "Cela signifie beaucoup pour moi combien vous vous inquiétez. Je ne sais pas ce que je ferais sans vous."

Bellamy's honey brown eyes grew very soft. She didn't reply, but simply grasped Rose's hand and smiled at her. Rose squeezed back, and Fred and George began to see just how much the two sisters loved each other. It was quite... reassuring.

The girls began eating again, and Bellamy, looking very worried and sincere, asked, "It's alright, isn't it? I tried to copy it exactly from what I remember as a child, but don't hesistate to tell me-"

"Are you joking? It's great!" said George exuberently, to which Rose laughed.

Bellamy nodded, proud of herself, and said, "Good. Just let me know if there's any favorites you want me to make. But," she cut George a sudden glare that reminded him of his mother, "no bouillabaisse."

Fred chortled, remembering the conversation, and George sent a withering glance his way. Rose knew her sister's detest for the meal, and sipped on her wine to avoid answering any questions, if he should ask. She stopped suddenly, and looked into the glass, her eyes wide with wonder.

"C'est merveilleux! Cela me rappelle le vin que nous avions à la maison." she exclaimed to her sister, smiling widely, before taking a deeper drink.

Oh no, thought Bellamy thought, slightly dissaproving as she watched Rose drink it. Rose is such a... light weight when it comes to drinking. I only just remembered... I hope she doesn't say anything she wishes she wouldn't have.

Pursing her lips, she murmured, "Ne buvez pas si vite, Rose. Vous savez que vous ne manipulez pas de vin très bien."

Rose raised her eyebrows stubbornly, and didn't answer her. Fred noticed the conversation going on between the two, and the way they were looking at each other. Rose defiantly, to which he gave her props, since Bellamy's expression was growing very dissaproving.

To his surprise, the older sister shrugged, and said in English, "It's your choice."

"Indeed," muttered Rose. She wasn't a child. Bellamy could handle her boy problems, but with everything else, she'd like to make the decisions.But, she condeded, her sister was right. She set her goblet down at a bit of a length away, and Bellamy smiled at her.

Fred approved of how easily they diffused even the smallest tensions between each other. It was just like him and George. They never could stay mad for too long.

"So," Rose began. Everyone looked up, but she addressed the twins, "what are your plans for tomorrow?"

Fred and George shrugged in unison. "It's Sunday tomorrow. We're closed."

She frowned. "Do you not have any plans on your days off?"

George said, "Well, it depends..."

Fred continued. "Some days we go around town looking for more merchandise ideas, on other we explore the town. We've only been in London for about a month now, and the shop's kept us quite busy."

"That makes sense," she said quietly, her eyes sparkling with an idea. Here it was, an opportunity for adventure. "Do you think you could show us around town tomorrow?"

Bellamy looked at her sister, slightly shocked, and a bit angry. She wanted to sleep. Rose knew Sundays were for that special reason. Besides, if she wanted to explore, she'd do it without the twins. A day around town being harassed by them grated on her nerves just thinking about it.

Noticing Bellamy's obvious distaste for the plan, George said slowly, knowing Fred would want to kiss him when he was through with his sentence, "Well, if Bellamy doesn't want to, she doesn't have to. I've got some business to attend to around Diagon Alley. Maybe Fred could take you. What do you say, Fred?"

Fred grinned immediately, but dropped it when he saw Bellamy's narrowed eyes stabbing in his direction. He swallowed, and said lightly, "I'd be glad to do it. What do you think?"

Rose glanced at her sister, and her sister give an infintesimally small nod, as she took a bite of her food. Smiling, she said, "Definitely... So, what is there to see?"

A fevered look crossed Fred's face, and he leaned forward, his brown eyes glinting with mischief, "You've never been to London, have you?" She shook her head. "Then everything. Diagon Alley is a bit of a bore after a while, and we like to check up on the Muggle World."

"It's fascinating at what lengths they delude themselves," George said, shaking his head with a snort, as he helped himself to seconds.

"So, it's a plan then," Rose grinned.

"Quite," Fred said, not being able to keep the smile off of his face. The meal was soon finished, and the girls waved off the boys when they tried to clean up. It was a custom of theirs, and it gave them a time to talk. As they carried the dishes to the bathroom to wash in the sink, Rose asked Bellamy quietly, "So you trust him now? Why?"
♠ ♠ ♠
*You threatened to cut off his 'manly' parts?

**What kind of sister would I be if I didn't?

***A normal one. But, thank you. It means a lot to me how much you care. I don't know what I'd do without you.

**** This is wonderful! It reminds me of the wine we had at home.

***** Don't drink so fast, Rose. You know you don't handle wine very well.