It's Better If You Do


Bellamy sat on the comfortable, bright green cushion on the wrought-iron chair. Resting her elbow on the table, she cradled her chin in her hand. She quite liked watching the different kids of people walk by, immersed in their own worlds and taking no notice of Bellamy. She could internally laugh at their fashion choices to her hearts content, and make rude comments about them, to her heart’s content. It may have been a little mean, but no one actually heard what Bellamy was thinking, so it was all in fun. Besides, it kept her mind off of how she had agreed to come with George.

Suddenly, the clean smell of a men’s cologne mixed in with the sweet smell that only happened before or after rain. It smelled exactly like Julian and she closed her eyes, hoping that she wouldn’t see him. She felt someone’s arm brush over her shoulder and her eyes flew open, seeing that George was placing her bowl of ice cream on a napkin on the table. Letting out a heavy sigh, she bit her bottom lip, staring blankly ahead. George took a seat in front of her, staring at her expectantly before he pulled the sickles and few knuts she handed him and placed them beside her on the table. She glanced from them, up to George, with a furrowed brow.

“He said it was on the house,” George said simply with a shrug before Bellamy got the chance to ask. She raised a brow as she picked up her spoon and took a bite. She let out a hum and nodded a bit, obviously enjoying the ice cream. George took that as a good sign and began to eat his as well.

“Just so you know,” Bellamy said after a few moments of silence, “I only came here for the ice cream.” George looked up from his chocolate ice cream, topped with chocolate sauce, and brownies crumbled on the top of it. He took a bit of offense at her words, but didn’t let it show.

“So did I,” he replied with another shrug and shook his head a bit. The conversation seemed it would end between the two of them as they ate their ice cream in near silence. Bellamy would occasionally glance up at him, then look over at the people passing by, never keeping her eyes on him for very long. She pursed her lips for a moment before leaning over and going to take a spoonful of his ice cream. Once she saw the amount of chocolate he had in the waffle bowl, she grimaced.

“You’re going to rot your teeth out with that much chocolate,” she said, shaking her head as she put another spoonful of her ice cream in her mouth. George let out a laugh and shook his head.

“You don’t like chocolate or…” He let his voice die off and shook his head, eating another spoonful of his chocolaty goodness. Bellamy wrinkled up her nose, a rather cute expression, George thought, and shook her head.

“Not in such big quantities and certainly not in the form of ice cream,” she said, shaking her head again. George merely let out a laugh at her, secretly liking how opinionated and stubborn she was. She’s going to have you whipped, George, he thought to himself.

“Well…at least you have a bit of fruit in yours. It makes it a little healthier,” he said softly in reply. Bellamy merely hummed a bit under her breath and looked down to her ice cream. George watched her for a while, notice how she remain motionless for a while before drawing in a deep breath of air and putting another spoonful of her ice cream into her mouth.

Both of them were suddenly aware of a girly giggling to their left, on the crowded alley way. Bellamy looked up from her ice cream to George in confusion, seeing him wearing a mortified expression before they simultaneously turned to their left. Just to their left stood two women, staring at George with matching smiles, waving and giggling nervously. The wore two different, yet blinding shades of pink, staring intently at George. They weren’t unfortunately looking, but they weren’t, by any standards, beautiful. George laughed nervously and waved slightly to the both of them, sending them further into obnoxious giggling.

“Look who has their own fan club,” Bellamy teased softly as she broke off a bit of the waffle cone bowl and popped it into her mouth. George blushed a furious shade of red and looked over at her, the giggling still going on, rather loudly.

“I know what it looks like,” he said softly, his eyes wide and scared, “but I promise you. I don’t know what I’ve done to merit their…giggling and gawking.” Bellamy let out a tiny laugh, shaking her head a bit.

“So, they’re stalking you?” She asked with a raised brow, glancing between the women and George, who appeared to be getting more flustered by the second. George hurried nodded, looking the most frightened Bellamy had seen him, even when she was angry or glaring at him.

“They come to the shop at least three times a day…but they never heckle Fred. It’s always me,” he said before glancing over to the women, who were still staring at him, with a forced, shaky smile. “I mean, bloody hell, we’re twins. We look exactly the same so he should at least get half of their attentions.” Bellamy laughed loud and long at this, shaking her head. In any other situation, he would have been pleased to have seen so much out of her, but being as it was, her laughter only taunted him.

The women finally turned and began to walk away from the table, sending glanced back to George every now and then, much to Bellamy’s delight.

“I just find it funny that such a charming man as yourself can handle two…gorgeous women like that,” she jested with a wry smirk curling her red lips. She gasped suddenly and George stared at her, fearful of what was going to come out of her mouth next. “Perhaps, I should set you up with one of them on a date. How does that sound?”

George merely blanched and stared at her with wide eyes, shaking his head slowly. This caused Bellamy to laugh again and she stood from the table, picking up the remnants of her ice cream bowl and tittering a bit to herself.

“Well…I’ll let you get back to your errands, Mr. Weasley. It’s been a pleasure,” she said with a teasing wink before she walked off, tossing her bowl in the trash and continuing on back to the shop. George merely ran a hand over his face, suddenly feeling that even his favorite chocolate ice cream wouldn’t make him feel any better.