It's Better If You Do


Bellamy looked over Rose once more, stepping forward to straighten out a bit of her shirt before giving her a small nod and a slightly bittersweet smile. She let out a sigh and crossed her arms over her chest. It seemed like only yesterday she was sent into tizzies over what to wear when she spent the day with Julian. Now, it appeared, the tables had turned completely.

“Well…we’ve made them wait long enough to eat,” she said as she began to walk over to the door, “I’ll go out first and try to make a bit of a distraction. That way their attention won’t be fully on you and you won’t blush as much as you normally do.” Bellamy pulled open the door and began to make her way down the stairs, as noisily as she could.

Startled, the twins jumped a bit and Fred hastily shoved the French-English dictionary back into his pocket. However, Bellamy caught the flurry of movement and walked into the room, raising a brow as she glanced between the two brothers.

“What’s going on in here?” She asked softly, sparing a glance at the cauldron behind her, to make sure that it had not boiled over. Turning back around, she noticed the brothers were wearing matching, mischievous grins as she sat down.

“Nothing…nothing,” the two said simultaneously and it was only too obvious by her expression that she didn’t believe them. She would have been completely naïve too. Slow footsteps made their way down the stairs and Bellamy suddenly cleared her throat loudly, scooting her chair in and making even more noise. George looked over at her with a confused expression, like she was a bit off her rocker. But Fred was not so easily distracted. He was watching the staircase with undivided attention, his impulse to tear into the delicious smelling sandwich in front of him completely forgotten.

Once he was what Rose was wearing, his eyes lit up and a charming smile curled his lips. Rose looked up, a bashful expression on her face as a blush colored the tops of her cheeks. George was still staring at Bellamy, who was taking a rather loud slurp of her water, in an attempt to give both Fred and Rose their moment.

“I hope I didn’t take too long,” Rose said softly as Fred stood, pulling back the chair for her and pushing her in. George looked over at her and let out a sigh.

“Oh no, not too,” he said sarcastically, which earned him a sharp glare from Bellamy, who had placed her water goblet down. Fred continued to stare at Rose for a few more moments before George said loudly, and rather unceremoniously, “Am I allowed to eat now, Fred? Or do I have to wait for you two to stop ogling each other?”

Bellamy rolled her eyes dramatically before picking up the croque monsieur she had on her plate and taking a bite. George took that as his answer and grabbed his sandwich, nearly devouring half of it in one bite. Fred shook his head a bit, as if he were shaking himself out of a stupor, and began to eat as well.

Soon they were all eating quietly, the lot of them too hungry to bother with trying to make conversation whilst they eat. George was done with his first, which was no surprise to anyone.

“Bellamy…I swear, I regret the day that I doubted your cooking skills. That…whatever it was, was absolutely delicious,” he said, looking quite honestly over at the brunette. She merely ducked her head down a bit, to hide the prideful smile that curled the corners of her lips.

“Seriously, we haven’t had home-cooked meals like this since we were at our mum and dad’s,” Fred added with a nod. Rose glanced between the two siblings as she placed down the remaining corner of her croque monsieur.

“Perhaps next Sunday, you two should use your time off and go pay them a visit,” she said in a soft voice. Fred looked over at her and nodded a bit before glancing over at George, who was digging into his chocolate-strawberry parfait voraciously, completely oblivious to what was going on around him. Fred stifled a bit of laughter as Bellamy shot him a few odd looks. He then turned back to Rose and replied with a smile.

“That sounds like a swell idea. But you two would have to come with us.” Rose immediately pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and shook her head slowly.

“We couldn’t. You deserve time away from the shop to just enjoy family,” she said with a small smile. “We wouldn’t want to be a burden anymore than we probably are.” Fred scoffed and shook his head, swallowing a spoonful of his parfait.

“You definitely wouldn’t be a burden to us and we’d love for you too meet our mum and dad,” Fred said with a warm smile. George pulled away from his parfait long enough to add his input.

“And I’m sure they’d both love to meet you, since you work at the shop in all,” he said with a nod, unaware of a particularly large smudge of chocolate mousse on the corner of his mouth. “If fact, I think mum and Bellamy would get along swimmingly, don’t you think, Fred?” Fred merely nodded, looking between the brunette and his brother.

“Why do you say that?” She asked, immediately noticing the mess on his face and nonchalantly wiped at the corner of her mouth with her fingertip, hoping he’d catch on.

“Well…you both like to cook and yell at either me or Fred,” George said, not catching Bellamy’s subtle hint. Rose pursed her lips a bit, stifling laughter at how Bellamy continued to dab at the corner of her mouth ever-so-often.

“Are you sure?” Rose asked, looking over at Fred with a hesitant look.

“I’m positive. Mum and dad love visitors,” he said with a nod. She still stared at him with an unwavering look. “But I’ll owl them beforehand, just to make sure they’re aware we’re bringing the two of you.” Bellamy let out a heavy sigh and snatched up a napkin from the table.

“Mon dieu, George!” She exclaimed, causing him to look up from the parfait with a slightly frightened look. “Turn to me,” she commanded in a motherly tone and George did as he was told. She leaned over and gently dabbed at the corner of his mouth as he stared at her, looking quite bashful. Fred and Rose snickered to themselves before Fred leaned over and murmured out of the corner of his mouth so that Bellamy and George wouldn’t hear.

“Your sister is so much like our mother, it’s sort of scary.” Rose let out a light laugh and shook her head a bit, looking over at Fred.

“She’s just like our mother too-”

“Am not,” Bellamy cut in, sending Rose a playful glare. She merely smirked and turned back to Fred.

“I’m sure if our mothers were to meet, they’d get along nicely,” Rose continued softly. Fred gave a shrug as he swallowed the last spoonful of his parfait.

“I’m sure they’ll end up meeting each other someday,” he said. The blonde beside him merely smiled a bit and took a bite out of her parfait.

“Thank you for that, Bellamy, by the way,” George said with a nod, “and the parfait was excellent.” She merely nodded a bit, tucking an awry strand of hair behind her ear as she set the napkin to the side.

“Really?” She asked as she turned to him with a smirk. “I couldn’t tell if you liked it or not,” she quipped sarcastically. Fred let out a chuckle which quickly died when he noticed the glare George shot him. Fred curled in his lips a bit and looked down to his parfait. He knew now, without a doubt, that his brother suspected some secret goings-on between him and Bellamy. Knowing George, he’d do everything he could to figure out what.