It's Better If You Do


Bellamy placed the dishes and goblets in the sink, sighing heavily when she heard the clacking of her sister’s heels come into the flat. She stepped out of the bathroom and gathered the parfait glasses from Rose’s arms with a disapproving look.

“You shouldn’t be keeping Fred much longer,” she said softly as she began to walk back into the bathroom, “ it sounds like you two are having a lovely time.” Placing the parfait glasses in the sink, she grabbed a sponge and began to wash them off.

“You and George haven’t managed to strangle each other yet,” Rose commented softly as Bellamy handed her a spoon. Her older sibling smirked slightly and focused her eyes on the two spoons she was watching at the same time. Rose raised a brow and leaned in, speaking in a low voice, “What happened?” Bellamy let out a laugh and handed both of the clean spoons to Rose.

“He said I didn’t have a sense of humor. So, I dumped my dirty mop water on the top of his head,” she said simply as she quickly washed off two plates and placed them to the side. Rose let out a disapproving sigh and gave Bellamy a poignant look. “He didn’t think it was very funny…but I did.”

“Bellamy,” she said in a soft, yet chiding voice, “that’s no way to treat anybody, even if you are angry.” Bellamy merely gave her a look as they quickly worked through their messy dishes. “I mean, I know you’re upset that he went through your things and probably an innumerable amount of offenses toward you. But you said you’d work on it…”

The brunette went silent for a moment, pursing her lips as she continued to wash and dry the dishes. “Well…I’m fixing something George should like for dinner. So he should at least forgive me for dumping water on his head,” she said in almost a whisper. Rose smiled wry and dried off the last dish, placing it to the side.

“I recognized that fishy smell.” She shook her head a bit. “I definitely think the way to earn George’s appreciation and respect…maybe even love,” Bellamy shot Rose a particularly scathing look, “is through his stomach.” Bellamy quickly recovered from the George comment and smirked over at Rose, drying her hands.

“Well…you better learn how to cook fast, because I suspect Fred is the same,” she retorted and Rose blushed almost immediately. Bellamy let out another small laugh before looking over at Rose. “Fred is being a gentleman, right?” She asked and Rose nodded quickly, lest her sister get the wrong idea. “Good,” she said with a pleased grin, “but if he even gets the least bit…forward…and you don’t approve, you come and tell me. I’ll set him straight.” Rose let out a sigh and rolled her eyes walking out of the bathroom.

“Honestly, Bellamy,” she said, shaking her head as she began back down the stairs, Bellamy following behind her. “He’s not like that in the least way. And even if he was, I’m sure I’d be able to handle it myself.”

“What’ll you be able to handle yourself?” Fred asked, since they had walked into the backroom. George suddenly cracked a wide grin.

“Fred’s bad breath, perhaps?” He interjected, causing Fred to shoot him a glare and Bellamy to stifle a laugh behind her hand. Rose merely smirked a bit, biting her bottom lip.

“We…were talking about…if a tiger escaped…at the zoo,” Rose said, glancing between the two twins. Bellamy merely let out a sigh and shook her head, clasping a hand on her forehead. The Weasleys looked unconvinced as they stared up at the blonde from the table.

“Sure,” they said simultaneously, wearing matching grins.

“I find it highly improbably that a tiger would get loose-” George started.

“-but if it were to happen, I’m sure you would have everything under control,” Fred finished with a charming smile and a nod. He stood from the table and walked over to Rose, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Are we ready to go? The zoo is calling us.” Rose glanced to Bellamy, who was glancing over at the cauldron over the fire, making sure that it hadn’t bubbled over.

“Do you have anything else I’d need to help you with?” She asked softly. Her sister shook her head, trying to hide the smile curling her lips.

“Go on and have your fun, you lovebirds,” she said with a wink, causing both Fred and Rose to blush furiously and George to chortle with laughter.

“We’ll see you two later then,” Fred murmured walking with Rose out of the back room.

“Don’t come back for dinner,” Bellamy called out in the sweetest voice she could muster.

“We won’t,” Fred called in return before they heard the bells at the door ringing merrily. There was a few moments of silence between George and Bellamy before one of them spoke up. She glanced over to him for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh and walking over to the small kitchen area she had set up. She picked up a few of the cookbooks, beginning to organize them neatly and alphabetically.

“So…what’s for dinner?” George asked, staring a her back curiously.

“I will not answer such questions so early after lunch, George Weasley,” she said softly, not turning her eyes away from her books. He merely smirked at her back, glad she could not see his expression. Though…if she was so much like his mother, it was likely that she had eyes on the back of her head.

“Why?” He asked, sounding much like a petulant child. “Haven’t you thought of what you’re going to fix?” Bellamy let out a sigh and turned around, staring at George with a raised brow before cracking the smallest bit of a smile.

“It’s a surprise,” was all that she said before she walked back up to the flat, “and that’s all I’ll say about it.” George stared at her retreating figure with a furrowed brow before letting out a heavy sigh. He looked around the back room for a few quiet moments. It’d been a while since he had been separated from Fred and he wasn’t sure he liked it. However, if that meant that Fred found happiness with Rose, he’d allow it.