It's Better If You Do

Cinquante et Une.

Rose looked down, still waiting for the blush to recede from her cheeks. How was it that she liked him so quickly? They had only known each other for a little over twenty four hours. Most times it took weeks, and months. But, she thought as she glanced up at him, he was different. She wished she could just come out and say how she felt-- that she really did fancy him, and all day she had hoped he would touch her more than just hold her hand or put his arm around her shoulder-- but, she knew she wouldn't. She was too shy. Well, she thought ruefully, she was only shy around boys.

If only she could act the way she did when it was just she and Bellamy. It was probably just because there was no hiding from Bellamy; she had grown up with her, seen Rose at her highs and lows, and been there when there had been no one for her to turn to. Unless that happened any time soon with Fred, she was just going to continue to be softspoken.

"What are you thinking so hard about, Rosie?" he asked, a smile playing across his lips, as he watched her occasionally smile or frown, looking down at her lap. Biting her lip, she shook her head.

"Nothing of extreme importance," she replied, glad that the dim light would hide her blush, tucking her hair behind her ear. He raised an eyebrow, looking at her knowingly.

"If it's nothing of extreme importance, then why don't you tell me?" he asked, leaning forward. He pouted dramatically, and she looked down, wondering if she should tell him, but decided against it for fear of him laughing at her.

Rose stammered, her fringe falling in her eyes, "Be-because. I don't have to," She said childishly, folding her arms across her chest. "and you can't make me."

Laughing, Fred was about to respond when the the waitress chose to bring them their food at that time, and Rose turned, utterly grateful for the distraction. She was no good under pressure, and he had probably already figured that out. The salmon was the perfect pink color, with the potato on the side next to a caper, combining to make a pretty picture on her place. She immediately took a bite, and had to hold back a moan at how utterly delectable it tasted.

Fred smirked at her expression, before taking a bite of his Tartiflette. His eyes popped open slightly, and he asked in a slightly awed voice, "What is this?"

She smiled warmly, and answered, "Potatoes, lots of cheese, and onions, to summarize. It's one of my mother's specialities."

"It's fantastic!" he exclaimed, causing the other customers to glare at him. Rose giggled, grinning widely at his child-like enthusiasm.

"Do you want to try mine?" she asked, tilting her head. He nodded, so she scooped a bit of salmon on her fork, and held it out to him. He tried it slowly, his eyes widening in appreciation for the savory fish.

"Mmmm, that's really good. Not as good as mine, but..." Fred trailed off, giving her a crooked grin and a shrug.

She smiled playfully, and retorted, "Maybe that's why I chose it for you."

He shook his sadly, though his brown eyes sparkled with laughter, "Sad that you're able to pick something out for me after knowing me for one day, and George probably couldn't and he's my bloody twin."

Smiling proudly, she hid her face as she began eating her food. Fred followed suit, though he didn't seem to be eating so much as inhaling his. The meal was silent, but comfortable, punctured with a comment every now and then. Smiling at each other often, the casual dinner slipped more into a date as time went on, but neither of them were going to suggest this to the other, for fear of awkardness, or worse, rejection.

He waited for her to finish patiently, and when she set down her fork, she let out a small sigh of contentment at the empty plate, before pouting slightly. He smiled confusedly, and asked, "What is it?"

"It just makes me miss my mother." she said softly, her lips puckered into a bittersweet smile. "Her cooking was always excellent. She taught Bellamy well, and attempted with me. I've never been one for Potions or cooking, because, like my sister said, it's basically the same thing. I can cook, but it's mostly just pasta dishes, and simple things with lots of instructions."

"Not everyone is supposed to be able to cook masterpieces," he said smiling wryly. "Unless you go by that stereotype that women belong in the kitchen. I don't, though George seems to think so. That's going to be one of Bellamy's redeeming qualities with him."

Rose laughed merrily, and nodded, "We've already discussed that. The bouillabaisse was a clever idea, and she's going to hold that over his head for quite some time. It'll be a bit of a bribing tool, really. 'Do this, and I'll make you bouillabaisse'," She paused, grinning ruefully. "Of course, your brother probably wouldn't object, so long as he doesn't go hungry."

Chortling, Fred nodded, "That's definitely true. If you can't win him over with a good joke and a smile, it'll be food."

The waitress eventually came back and handed them their check. Fred pulled out his wallet and the allotted money, slipping it into the small black folder, saying warmly, "No change."

The waitress smiled brightly, and Rose couldn't blame her. They made their money off of customers tips, because their salary was only minimum wage. "You two have a nice evening," she said, before walking away, the smile still on her face. Rose would have bet her favorite books that he had given that girl the rest of his muggle money.

"You ready, then?" he asked, getting to his feet. She nodded, and he held out his hand to help her up, but didn't release it once she stood. They walked out slowly taking their time, knowing the night would be over once they got to the shop. The night air was calm and mild, the lights of London shining brightly in the distance.

Rose expected him to apparate then, but instead he turned down the street and continued walking, a thoughtful expression on his face. The silence was broken only by the occasional passerby or cabbie whizzing past. Fred suddenly stopped at a park bench, and sat down, so she copied his actions, setting down beside him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and she smiled to herself, feeling her heart give an extra thump inside her chest.

"This has been an amazing day," he said quietly, before smiling at her. She returned the smile, biting her lip and nodding.

"It really has," she said softly, before admitting, "I don't want it to be over."

"Neither do I." Fred replied. He gave her a crooked smile, before whispering, "Je pense que vous ĂȘtes incroyable*."

Rose couldn't help but to grin widely, before casting her eyes down at her lap, though peeking a glance up at him. "How did you learn that?" He looked a bit sheepish then, but reached down and pulled the book out of his pocket. He showed her, and she began to laugh loudly, extremely amused. "You're very clever. You bought that in the book store, didn't you?"

"Yeah, while you were off looking, I slipped past you and bought it. George is ecstatic and plans the downfall of you and Bellamy's secrecy. But, if you want, I can tell him I lost it." said Fred solemnly, though laughter was clearly written all over his face. She shook her head, smiling so much her cheeks almost hurt.

"You don't have to. It was a good idea." she said softly, shrugging, before looking up at him seriously, whispering, "You think I'm amazing?"

He nodded, and said almost as quietly, "I wouldn't lie to you."

"I believe you." Rose murmured, her heart very full and her chest heated in a way that was in no way unpleasant, but promising and wonderful. Fred lightly caressed her cheek, pushing her hair back softly before skimming to the back of her neck, amazed at how soft her skin was. Rose smiled at him, and leaned forward at the same time he did, and when they kissed, it was everything she had thought it would be.

His lips were soft and gentle, moving with hers tenderly, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. They sat kissing on that park bench for the longest and shortest time, and neither of them could have told you what had been happening around them, as how absorbed they were in each other. When they finally pulled away, he kissed her forehead and both her cheeks, and she could feel the smile on her skin.

"I've wanted to do that all day," Fred whispered in her ear, causing a thrill to go through her. Rose smiled, and brought his lips back to hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
I seriously wanted to squeal the entire time I wrote this chapter, but I refrained, seeing as how I would more than likely give my poor cat a heartattack. I loooooovveeeeeee it. :D

The French (isn't really needed, but nonetheless) : *I think you're amazing.

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