It's Better If You Do


"Which reminds me," murmured Rose, looking up from her trunk. She glanced over at Fred, a small smirk on her lips. "Remember what I dared you to do?"

Fred immediately grinned, and nodded, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he planned the revenge on his twin. Bellamy and George looked at each other in confusion, and George asked suspiciously, "What's going on?"

The blonde smiled angelically and shrugged, causing George's eyes to narrow. She turned to Bellamy, and asked, "Are you sure you don't want to shower first?"

Her sister shook her head, smiling wryly, "I'm fine, Rose. Go ahead. You probably need it more than I do." George snickered quietly, and Rose shot him a look that made would have made Bellamy proud, if she hadn't been too busy finding pajamas. Sorting through her trunk some more, she finally pulled out a dark blue chemise, undergarments, and a long white pair of sleep pants from her trunk.

Getting to her feet, she murmured, "I'll be back."

She quickly walked into the bathroom, shut the door, and began peeling off her clothes, and the horrific shoes, which had made her feet ache in ways she didn't think possible, after wearing them all afternoon. Tenderly rubbing at them, she winced, biting her lip as the pain throbbed. How Bellamy did it, she would never know. Rose turned the water extremely hot, and sat on the edge of the tub, letting the water run over them until they were a bright red, and she could barely stand it any longer. She then turned on the shower, and got in, smiling to herself as the days events scrolled through her mind.

It didn't take very long for her to bathe, and it was a good thing, too, because Bellamy was known to throw rages fit to murder over not having enough hot water for her showers. Dressing quickly, she squeezed the water out of her hair as best she could, for it was cold, and with the water seeping down her back and over her shirt, it didn't help at all. She took a step forward, and winced, hobbling out of the bathroom, feeling very much like a very old lady. Fred and George gave her concerned looks, but Bellamy was reading a book.

"I am never listening to you again," she grumbled, raising her eyebrow sourly at her sister. "My feet are absolutely killing me."

Bellamy shook her head, a small smile turning up the corners of her mouth. This conversation had taken place on many occasions, and in always the same way. She barely glanced up from her book, "You just have to wear them enough, and get used to them."

"I'd rather not. My heighth doesn't bother me, like it does you. Comfortable is key. Comfortable tennis shoes. My feet have never wanted to fall off because of tennis shoes." she said darkly, giving up on her swollen feet at the moment.

"You can't wear tennis shoes with dresses, skirts, or anything fancy. You have to learn to wear heels at some point." the brunette pointed out, as she dog eared her page, and began gathering up her clothes for bed. She had unraveled the bandages stubbornly, to George's dismay, and they lay them on the far side of her cot.

"I'll do it any way." pouted Rose stubbornly, though secretly knowing her sister had a point. Bellamy merely shook her head, and went into the bathroom, shutting the door quietly behind her. The blonde waited for the shower to turn on, then walked over to Fred's bed, and sat in front of him. He wrapped his arms around her, to which she eagerly leaned back against his chest, and he kissed her head. She hummed happily in response.

George smirked, "Thin ice, bro. Thin ice. I'd love for her to catch you two doing something worse than snogging."

Fred and Rose immediately blushed, and she carefully extracted herself from his arms, and walked over to her cot, looking down at the maroon sheets. Pinching the blankets together, she thought very hard of a specific color, and smiled brightly as they turned a midnight blue. Grabbing her brush from her trunk, she sat and began running it through her hair. There weren't any tangles, to which she was surprised, but she had had it in bun for most of the day. It was still quite damp, so she grabbed her wand and pointed it at her hair. A hot wind streamed out of her wand, and she dried her hair quickly, then set to brushing it again.

"That's a lot of work," Fred said, rumpling his short hair, extremely glad that he was not a girl. It was too complicated. She nodded, and put the brush down, satisfied with it's silky texture.

"Don't call her vain, though. She threw a hissy fit when I said she was," George grinned lazily, stretching out on his bed.

"I can't imagine why," Bellamy said dryly, walking out of the bathroom, with her hair in the messy bun once more. "It isn't like you were insulting her, or anything."

"I wasn't." George said, and she rolled her eyes dramatically, shaking her head. Bellamy turned to Rose, a smirk perched on her lips.

"Donc, vous avez semblé être un peu absorbée quand j'ai ouvert la porte*." she said, watching her sister blush.

"Un peu**," Rose murmured meekly.

"We can talk about it more tomorrow, but if you don't mind, I think I'll go back to sleep now, since I was so rudely awakened before," she said a bit sourly, though the yawn that punctuated her sentence took off the edge to her words. Crawling into her sheets, Bellamy folded her hands beneath her head, and closed her eyes. George turned on his side facing the wall.

Rose nodded, knowing she should be getting to bed soon, but unable to. Her feet ached, and she was wide awake. Tentatively, she began to rub softly at them once more. Fred sighed, before walking over to her bed, and sitting down beside her. He took her feet gently into his hands and began to massage them carefully. Rose hummed in appreciation, and she closed her eyes, a small smile on her face.

Fred murmured, "Why exactly did you let her put you in heels?"

She opened her eyes, looking a bit sheepish, and said quietly, "Because they matched." He merely chuckled, and tilted his head, smiling.

"You have such small feet." he noted.

She said, "They aren't that small-" he put his hand up next to her foot, and it was the same size, if not longer. She pouted slightly. Fred lightly touched her lips, smirking. He moved his hand to her cheek, and kissed her gently.

"If you don't mind, this is a snog free zone," came the smug voice from across the room. George was sitting up and watching them, smirking widely.

Fred sighed darkly, and kissed her quickly, whispering, "Good night."

"Good night," she whispered back, smiling. He gave her a quick grin, and laid down in his bed, extinquishing the latern with his wand. She crawled into her soft sheets, and curled up, happier than she had been in a while.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's what Rose is wearing, and the French:

*So, you seemed to be a bit absorbed when I opened the door.

**A bit.