It's Better If You Do


George woke up feeling a great deal better than he had the previous morning. His back was free of aches and he felt well rested. Sitting up in the bed and stretching his arms over his head, his back gave a few satisfying pops before he decided he’d let Rose and Fred sleep a little while longer. He turned and looked over at Bellamy’s cot and noticed that it was nicely made and Bellamy had left. Frowning a bit, he threw the blankets off of him and stood. George quietly made his way from the room, as to not disturb Fred or Rose. He took the quiet route down the staircase and was a bit surprised to see Bellamy sitting at the table, fully dressed and sipping tea in front of three plates full of food.

“Why are you up so early?” George asked in a voice rough with sleep, causing Bellamy’s head to snap in his direction. She was wearing her normal red lipstick and swipe of black, liquid eyeliner, but she had let her long wavy hair down . She stared at him for a moment, lowering her delicate floral tea cup from her lips.

“I had a bad dream,” she said simply before raising the teacup to her lips again. George sat down across from her, staring at her for a moment.

“For the second night in a row?” He asked curiously. Bellamy merely shot him a look, before placing her teacup on the table with an unceremonious, musical clatter and standing. She walked over to the small kitchen area, turning her back to him for a moment. He noticed she was wearing a peculiar set of gloves with lace on the top but black leather on the bottom, completely with little black bows on the top.

“Coffee or tea?” She asked, glancing over her shoulder at him. George stared at her for a moment before answering.

“Tea, please,” he said softly. He watched her as she placed a tea bag into another floral teacup and pointed her wand at it, filling it with steaming hot water. She put the teacup on a matching saucer, then walked it over to the table and placed it in front of George.

“The sugar and milk is right in front of you,” she said before taking her seat again, “you can eat it you want to. I already did.” She didn’t have to tell George twice and he immediately grabbed a crispy slice of bacon and chomped away on it.

“Fred and Rose are still asleep,” he said through a mouthful of pork, causing Bellamy to wrinkle her nose a bit as she lifted her teacup. “I figured they’d need the rest.” Bellamy smirked a bit behind her teacup as George let out a chuckle.

“Indeed,” Bellamy said, humor dripping in her tone as she placed the teacup and the saucer back on the table. George watched her for a moment as she folded her gloved hands on the table. He continued to eat, picking up a piece of buttered toast and tearing into it. He made sure to fully chew it and swallow before talking to Bellamy again.

“How’re your blisters?” He asked, putting a sugar cube or two into his tea before taking a tentative sip of it. It was just the right temperature; not hot enough to scald him, but cool enough that he could drink it. Bellamy sighed a bit, shaking her head as she glanced down at her hands and clenched them a bit.

“They’re annoying,” she said softly, looking up at George, “and rather unladylike…which it why I’ve decided to wear these gloves for the day. They cover up the bandages you put on them.” George grinned crookedly at her as he took another bite of his toast.

“You don’t miss a thing, do you?” He asked, shaking his head a bit. Bellamy merely grinned and slowly shook her head. “So, you put them back on this morning?” She nodded a bit and looked down at her hands once more.

“When the air hit them, they stung a bit. If I wear bandages, it’ll probably slow the healing process; but if I pop them altogether(as I suspect I would, working here), they wouldn’t heal at all,” she said softly, before looking up at George thoughtfully. “Thank you…by the way,” she added with a nod and a slight smile.

“It was no problem, really,” he said with a shrug as he popped another piece of bacon in his mouth. Bellamy hummed lightly as she took a sip of her tea, watching George closely.

“But…I must ask you, if you’re going to watch me sleep, don’t make it so obvious,” she said with a playful disapproval in her tone that had George blushing slightly. She giggled a bit at in an bit her lips in watching George closely.

“I-I’m sorry…I won’t do it again, if you don’t like it,” he said bashfully, shaking his head a bit. Bellamy let out a small laugh, giving George a careful look.

“I know what you’re up to,” she said with a gentle sort of jest, “and it’s not going to work.” George merely stared at her confusedly, shaking his head a bit before tucking further into his breakfast in an attempt to keep her from embarrassing him any further. He hadn’t the slightest clue when he was up to, or what Bellamy thought he was, but he’d rather not be confronted with this sort of conversation when he hadn’t even changed out of his pajamas.

The rest of the breakfast was nearly silent. Bellamy finished up her tea and placed the teacup to the side as George finished up with his breakfast and started on his now lukewarm tea. He noticed that Bellamy had perfect posture when she sat; keeping her back straight her chin parallel to the table. George wondered what exactly they had taught at Beauxbatons Academy and how much of it was actually practical for witches and wizards.

Soft sounds traveled down the slightly cracked door of the flat, bringing both of their attentions to it. George glanced between the door and Bellamy before a wide grin curled his lips.

“Apparently, the resident love birds have awoken,” Bellamy quipped in a small, serious voice that had George snickering lightly. He looked over at her, continuing to laugh.

“How much do you want to bet they’re snogging?” He asked with a smirk. Bellamy rolled her eyes dramatically and shook her head disapprovingly.

“I don’t want to bet anything,” she said bluntly. “Let’s hope their attachment at the lips is just a phase in their relationship. I’m sure they’ll get over it soon enough. Merlin forbid they snog all day at work.” She pursed her lips and looked up at George, who looked quite serious, but Bellamy figured out that nine times our of ten, when George appeared to be serious, he really wasn’t.

“And you weren’t ever like that with any of your boyfriends?” He asked with a raised brow. Bellamy’s face suddenly grew void of emotion as she stared, wide-eyed at George. Her bottom lip trembled ever so slightly as she stared at him before she drew in a deep breath of air through her nose.

“Never out in public and never in front of my sister,” she said in a soft, wavering voice before she stood from the table and walked into the shop, leaving George to feel very awful about bringing up her ex-boyfriends, one in particular. He stood as well and made his way toward the staircase to get dressed and ready for the day. He walked up the stairs rather noisily, to let the two in the room know he was coming and stopped in front of the door. He knocked on it gently before pushing it open.

“I’m coming in whether you two are decent or not,” George said brusquely as he walked into the room without even looking at the two of them, a hard frown set on his features as he picked through the clothes he was to wear.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor George can't catch a break, can he?

Here's what Bellamy is wearing.
