It's Better If You Do


Rose was smirking widely at George and already feeling sorry for him about whatever Bellamy was planning for him to prove she could, indeed, have fun. And, it was true. Her sister had been known to be quite witty and clever with her jokes, and though many of her victims never found it too amusing, it always gave Rose and Bellamy a long laugh. Of course, Rose thought with a rueful shake of her head, she had never been the target of her sister's "fun". Humming lightly to herself, she began to pay attention to what her elder sister had begun to cook. A wide smile swept across her face, and she asked ecstatically, "Are you making marshmallows?"

Bellamy turned her head and gave her sister a sincere smile, and said, "I know they're one of your favorites and I happen to have one more vanilla bean left in my potions kit. It'll take a while for them to settle, though, but they'll be ready by supper." Fred and George visibly straightened and Bellamy snickered before turning back to her cooking. Their behavior was proving more and more that they would fight dragons if they could only have dessert.

"And I can make hot chocolate later on for everyone, too," said Rose contentedly. George gave her a rather wide smile and shrugged.

"I don't think I'll be h-" he began but Fred upsurped his goblet of water at the same time, and it fell into George's lap. He jumped up swearing loudly, while Rose and Fred exchanged a loaded glance while Bellamy laughed quietly to herself, before turning back and whisking the gelatin and cold water.

"Sorry, mate." Fred said lightly, pulling his wand out and directing his wand at George's trousers, drying them with a warm rush of air. "Just a bit clumsy."

"A bit?" George snapped, sitting down rather heavily and scowling at his twin. Fred shrugged and turned his back to his twin surreptitiously, giving Rose a rather panicked look.

"What are we going to do?" he mouthed, and she bit her lip softly, looking a bit distraught. If George or Bellamy found out either of them were leaving before the time came, it would end in disaster. She needed to distract George thoroughly, and for a extensive amount of time. It couldn't be too hard, since he liked anything that made loud bangs... A rather sneaky smile crept onto her face and she winked at Fred.

"George? Didn't you promise me that you'd let me help you design some of the Wildfire Whiz-Bangs?" Rose asked in a rather innocent voice. George nodded, looking a bit thoughtful.

"I did. We're going to need some more Erumpent fluid, and more lionfish spine... unless Bellamy has some?" George asked sweetly, looking at the brunette's back in speculative interest. Bellamy sighed, her lips pursed in reluctance.

"I do," she admitted, without turning around. "I'll get you two some in a minute. I'd rather not come up with all my ingredients gone through." The three grimaced at this all but blatant reference to George's infamous mistake, and Rose quickly spoke.

"Take all the time you need, Bellamy. Accio. We're just going to do some quick sketches of what we want for the fireworks before the afternoon rush begins," she said quietly, grabbing the papers quickly and spreading them on the table. A second later she paused, and pointed her wand once more towards the stairwell and a quil came soaring down to meet her, but instead of catching it, the quil bounced off of her fingers and hit the wall with a dull thud.

Blushing furiously, she quickly stood and grabbed the quil, as George snickered and Fred refrained out of courtesy, though his eyes were full of laughter and the tips of his ears a bright pink. "Hand eye coordination not your thing, Rosie?" George asked in mock sincerity which earned him a rather uncharacteristic glare.

"I don't know, George. Maybe you could give me lessons since you so obviously can tell the differences between all sorts of objects, like Pygmy Puffs." Rose said loftily, taking a seat and began writing ideas for the fireworks. Cringing openly, George hung his head looking rather abashed while Fred placed a quick kiss on top of the blonde's head once he saw that neither Bellamy or George were looking. She gave him a half smile, and after a few minutes of her writing furiously he leaned over looking at her paper.

"Wow," Fred said with an impressed air. "That's an idea we hadn't thought of. George, look at this. Whomever sets off the fireworks has control over where they go and what form they take. That's a bit of complicated magic, but nothing we can't figure out."

Rose smiled proudly, and ducked her head over the paper, and said modestly, "I'm sure you two would have thought of it eventually."

"Ou pas. Ils ne pensent qu'à difficile quand il s'agit de nourriture*," Bellamy muttered under her breath and Rose laughed and shook her head, while Fred's hand twitched against the urge to grab the book from his pocket and see what she had said. Smirking, Bellamy looked at her sister and said lightly, "Bien sûr, l'esprit de Fred a probablement été un peu surmené à réfléchir aux façons de vous seul, Rose**."

Rose's cheeks burned at her sister's comment, and was thankful that Fred's book was elsewhere so he could not know what she had said, though from her blush they could probably tell it was enough to embarass her. Fred's lips mashed together as he continued fighting the intense want to know what she had said. It was even worse than before, since Bellamy was talking about him and Rose, who murmured, "Oh, chut***."

Bellamy grinned at her and shrugged, saying cheerfully as she whisked the gelatin and bubbling sugar, "Si vous insistez****."

"Je ne," the younger sister grumbled, well aware of the curious looks Fred and George were exchanging with each other. Remembering their plans for the two that evening, Rose said airily, "Bien que, si votre soirée aveugle va bien, vous pourriez avoir du temps seul, ainsi."

Bellamy stiffened and cut her eyes at Rose who merely smiled back serenely. Pursing her lips, she chose not to reply. The blonde bent back over her notes, hiding the smug smile at her rare verbal victory. But, she knew, she had only won the battle and not the war in the case with her sister. Once Bellamy and George got back from their "date", Bellamy would not cease from talking for quite some time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooh, marshmallows. :)

Please please leave us some comments? It'd make my day, and je suis bree's, I'm sure.

'ere is zee Francais: *Or not. They only think hard when it involves food.

**Of course, Fred's mind has probably been a bit overworked at thinking of ways to get you alone, Rose.

***Oh, shush.

****If you insist.

*****I do.

******Though, if your evening goes well, you might be having some alone time, as well.