It's Better If You Do


As it was, several hours had passed and Rose and Fred were now wondering if they should bother to bring the drunken couple from off the roof. Both of them had heard Bellamy's singing, the complaint, and her bellowed reply. Fred had burst into laughter and Rose had simply shaken her head with a knowing smile. But, it had been quiet and still for a while now and, though it didn't bother Fred a bit, Rose was concerned that they may have fallen off the roof, gotten a concussion from falling on the roof, or perhaps been subject to alcohol poisoning, since they had both drank quite a lot of Firewhiskey. Fred's lips pursed against a laugh, and he pondered, "I wonder if you're going to go prematurely gray from all your worrying... Ow!"

Rose pouted at him as he once again rubbed his arm, and gave the boy a huffy sigh, "Of course I'm worried about them. Now, I'll go alone if you don't want to go, and you can just stay here and stare at the ceiling. But, I'm going to check on them." True to her word, the blonde pulled out of his arms while he gave loud, pleading protests and turned on the spot, dissapearing with a faint pop. Fred rolled his dramatically eyes and stood as well.

"Women," he grumbled, before apparating onto the roof. He was about to make a sarcastic remark to Rose, when she shushed him, pointing. When he looked to where he was pointing, a wicked grin came over Fred's face, and he snickered quietly. The girl's cheeks were growing very pink from not laughing and she nodded with a grin of her own. The pair of them were deep asleep, though it was how they were laying that made it hysterical to the onlookers. Bellamy was asleep on his chest, snoring softly and George had his arms wrapped around her, his mouth open and occasionally snorting in his sleep.

Giggling almost silently, Rose whispered to Fred, "I wish we had a camera! This is almost too good to be true." Raising an eyebrow at her, he grinned and held up a finger, before disapparating. The petite girl's eyes widened in realization, and she covered her mouth with her hand, trying to muffle the laughter. After a moment, she took a deep breath to steady herself and tiptoed towards the sleeping pair, grinning all the while. It was rather cute, she thought, before pulling Bellamy's dress down a bit. It had obviously hiked up in sleep, and she felt her sister would appreciate the thought.

Hearing a slight pop from behind her, Rose turned to see Fred holding up a camera with a maniacal gleam in his eyes. Stepping quickly over to where he was, she began to giggle once more, and this time he shushed her, before snapping the picture. The light went off was extremely bright in the midnight hour, and they both froze as Bellamy stretched out and grumbled in her sleep, "Je me tortille-tille-tille," before snuggling closer to George, who tightened his arms around her in his sleep.

Shaking her head at the silly phrase, Rose took Fred's hand and turned, dissaparating back into the flat. The second they looked at each other, they burst into loud, rambunctious laughter, startling Mavise, who blinked up at the sleepily, giving a small meow. The blonde quieted a considerable amount, though still giggling as she picked up the calico kitten and snuggled her close to her chest. Looking over at Fred, she asked, "When will the picture be ready?" He shrugged.

"I'm not sure... George knows the spell. I'll ask him tomorrow, and then show him the picture. I'll probably have to put a charm on it so he won't be able to rip it up," Fred said with a laugh, and Rose joined him, picturing the two of them appalled; after all, it would probably be a miracle if they remembered anything from this night. Humming softly, she walked over to her cot and Mavise jumped from her arms lightly, batting at the shoe string lying dormant on the dark blue sheets. Rose bent down alongside her trunk, and pulled out a pair of sleep shorts, and undergarments.

"I'm going to go take a shower," she said softly, and he nodded.

"Leave some hot water for me," Fred requested with a crooked smile, and she returned it warmly.

"I will," she assured, before walking to the bathroom and shutting the door quickly behind her. Sighing, she gently pulled her shirt off and laid it along with her shorts and underwear; Rose saw no point in not wearing this one, and she would have slept in the capris she was already wearing, but they weren't very soft. Running the water, she checked the temperature every now and then before stepping into the almost scalding shower. She was sure she was weird in that she liked it so hot, but it wasn't something she was going to think about for long.

In the flat, Fred looked around boredly for a while before he began to run his hand along the edge of his bed in sudden, jerky movements, attracting the attention of the playful kitten. Mavise's tiny tail twitched and she lowered her belly to the ground, her eyes wide with the prospect of something new to attack. Taking a giant leap from the cot to the bed, she managed to make it by her claws, which were dug into the blanket. Fred chuckled as she pulled herself up the bed slowly, and he snuck his hand under his blanket, moving his hand back and forth. Mavise stalked forward, wriggling her small body in anticipation, and pounced on his hand, biting at it with tiny, needle like teeth and kicking with her back paws.

Laughing loudly now, he used his other hand to tousle her stomach, getting several little bites on that hand as well. Scooping up the kitten, Fred held her up in the air, putting her eye to eye with himself and she merely looked back at him, not appearing to be afraid in the least bit. Smiling, he nuzzled her and Mavise purred before licking his nose. He scratched behind her ears and mused, "You know, I don't really like cats. But for you I think I'll make an exception. As long as you don't turn out like that bloody owl they own," he paused and looked at her seriously. "You won't, will you?"

"No," came a soft reply and Fred about jumped out of his skin in shock, when he noticed that Rose was leaning against the doorframe for support from how loud she was laughing. Instead of having her long hair hang down wet, she had pulled it back in a messy bun, much like the ones Bellamy put hers in. It was rather... attractive, but he shook the thought off, before scowling at her playfully, he talked over her.

"Ha, ha! You're so clever, Rosie!" he called sarcastically and she smirked, walking over to his bed and sitting beside him, gently taking Mavise from him, but she scampered to the end of the bed and curled up. Shrugging, she turned back to Fred.

"I like to think so," she said with a twinkle in her eyes. "And I couldn't not take advantage of that. It would have been a crime of the highest order!" Rolling his eyes, he smiled ruefully at her.

"It seems George and I are rubbing off on you," he observed, but she shook her head, smiling brightly.

"There's much you don't know about me, Fred. As much as I blush and act shy around you and your brother, this will eventually go away with time, and my true, outspoken rebellious teasing side will come out!" Rose declared, but looked down with a bashful smile when Fred raised his eyebrow skeptically at her. She began to admit, "Alright, I may not be all that rebellious and I am still shy and prone to blushes, but not as much." Shrugging, Fred wrapped his arms around her, and she rested back against him, fitting easily against his chest.

"It wouldn't matter much to me whether you stay shy or start bellowing obscenities and people trying to sleep like Bellamy. I fancy you, so that's that," he said simply, and a small blush crept over her cheeks, along with a bright, happy smile.

"Well that's nice to know," Rose commented, and he nodded before kissing the top of her head, before inhaling deeply letting out a soft hum. Smiling confusedly, she looked up at him and asked, "What?" With a crooked grin, he kissed her nose.

"Have I ever told you you smell absolutely amazing?" Fred asked bluntly and she laughed, shaking her head.

"But I also just got out of the shower. If I smelled horrible, there might be something wrong," she joked, but he shook his head.

"It isn't just after a shower. You smell nice always. Like... and don't hit me, but you smell like roses... and some other thing... I've smelled it before, but I just can't place it," Fred said thoughtfully, and she shrugged.

"I've never noticed, to be honest. I know you smell good, too, tho- tho- though," Rose said, though it was punctured by a large yawn, and he smiled at her affectionately.

"You know, I think my shower can wait until the morning," he said lightly. Pulling her up with him, Fred began to pull back the covers and extinguished the lights with his wand, before climbing in the blonde following him sleepily. Cradling her against his chest, he buried his face in her hair letting out a content sigh. "I think I could get used to this. If only Bellamy and George stayed on the roof every night." Laughing slightly, she nodded.

"If only," she agreed before saying softly, "Goodnight, Fred."

"Goodnight, Rose. Sweet dreams," he said in a quiet, sincere tone. Smiling, she leaned back and kissed him gently. She could feel his small smile against her lips, and it made her even happier than she already was.

"Sweet dreams to you, too," she whispered, before nestling her head back into the crook of his neck. Rose had never spent the night in the arms of a boy, and as strange as this was to her, it was also the most natural feeling thing she had done in a very long time. And she couldn't think of any boy better for this than Fred. With a smile, she drifted to sleep, feeling very warm, happy and safe.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooh, I bet Bellamy is not going to be happpyyyyyy.

Let's hope her hangover doesn't cause her to kill George.