Status: A Working Process

Associated Student Bodies

Written by Asia and Rashad

There really is no description, so here have our thought process on how this came to be, and judge from that whether or not this is worthy of your time.


Gabe is the big man on campus and best friends with Leighton, who is a total bitch that hates everybody, although in her eyes everyone wants to be her.

Pete is Gabe’s hot-shot competition. He harbors baby Ryan around like a mother goose, when really all Ryan wants to do is hang out with William.

Cabbies that play together stay together… Except Cash, he wants to be just like Pete and Singer (Deleon) just wants him to be happy (he wants everyone to be happy, really)

Brendon knows basically everyone, but is close friends with Lucy. He talks to Frank a lot too, but is pushed away by his unbelievably anti-social boyfriend, Gerard, and his equally mute brother, Mikey.

Brendon is ASB president, and Lucy is his Vice President. Leighton is Secretary but hates it because she was pretty sure she was going to be president her senior year. Alex Marshall, the math whiz, is Treasurer because, “Being on ASB will make you cool and you being cool will make all of us look cool!” or at least that’s what Cash said (and Cash is always right.. right?). Frank is the Commissioner of Activities. He has a great imagination, but too much energy and too many nearly impossible ideas. William is Commissioner of Assemblies only because his best friend, Ryan, is an artsy little pussy that didn’t dare join ASB because “Oh my God, Bill... Brendon’s in there!”
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    3rd POV - Leighton-esque