Sequel: With You
Status: Completed :)

Just Friends

Just Frozen Memories

I fell back on the couch, listening to Teal's rhythmic tapping on the computer keyboard. The sun shone through the big windows in our studio/office, casting giant squares of warm light against the floor. I couldn't believe Rob and I had...sort of made up. It'd been so freaking long, I never thought it would have been possible. But I suppose with that much time away, we both were able to cool down a little. I still couldn't forget that kiss...

God, why was he such a duesch bag? I put my face in my hands and groaned. A week later and he was still making me ponder on crap like that! Guys were so stupid, they annoyed the living crap out of me!

“Hey, Jen That dude from LA e-mailed me back!” Teal called from her desk.

My head shot up. “Really?” When she nodded, I scuttled over and leaned over her shoulder. “What'd he say?”I asked excitedly.

“Says he loved your portfolio and would really like to consider hiring you for his magazine ”

“Get out!” I exclaimed, reading the print over her shoulder. “Holy shit, it does say that!”

“Well, I wasn't going to lie about that...He wants to meet us through video chat.”

“You know what this means if he wants us?” I asked, looking at her.

She began to wave her arms like a idiot. “We're moving to LA!”

Four weeks and a video chat later, Teal and I were driving into Los Angeles city limits with most of our belongings packed into the back and trunk of my little '93 Pontiac Grand Am. My employer, Benicio Ravalquez, was the head honcho of some big magazine. Through video chat, Teal and I had seen he was some Italian with a nice tan and big Hollywood teeth. But he seemed like a good guy. He'd fired one of his photographers and was thrilled to hire on an amateur like me.

I rested my head in my hand, the warm breeze from the open window blowing my hair back from my face. “Bad Romance” blared from our already damaged speakers. Teal was the better city driver–and also the crazier driver too. She would fit in well here, if she could get over missing Dustin. Poor thing. I looked at my cell phone. There was a text from Rob. You in LA?

Rite outside it, I answered back.

Since I'd last seen Rob, we'd texted back and forth. There wasn't really too much talking, just where he was and how the concerts went, which was fine with me. I wasn't sure how it was going to be, being in the same state, let alone the same city with him again. I still wasn't ready to forgive him for all the things that were said that day in Junior year.

We pulled up to our apartment building. It took us about an hour to unpack everything. I'd went through everything clear back when I'd left my parents house after I graduated. So, basically, Teal and I just chucked everything into our car and headed south.

Since the apartment was partially furnished, I sat down on my bed and began sorting crap into piles. It wasn't too bad. Like I said, we didn't have a lot. In one of the large cardboard boxes was a shoe box that I'd thrown carelessly into it. I opened the lid and I slowly pulled out the first photo. There was a huge pile of them, all of them of Rob and me. Even back then I'd been insanely camera happy. The photograph in my hand was at my sixteenth birthday, Rob and I sitting in the Pontiac that still carried me around. It'd been a gift from my parents. We looked really happy.

I sifted through the rest of the frozen memories, all featuring Rob. Pulling faces, partying, playing drums. There was even a picture of Brad and him on stage when they were Relative Degree. I'm sure the guys would get a kick out of that. I wondered if Rob and I could be as close as we once were. Something told me no, that these photos were just frozen memories that was all, and they couldn’t be relived again.

My phone vibrated next to me on the mattress cover, making me come out of my reverie. It was Rob again. Two texts in one day. He must be in a very chatty mood.

Going to be workin a lot in the studio. You wanna come hang out tomorrow?

With the rest of Linkin Park? In their recording studio? My fan girl instincts were kicking in and I felt like bouncing up and down like a spazz. “Hey, Teal! You wanna visit Linkin Park tomorrow?” I called.

Teal's head peeked around the corner. “Tomorrow?”she asked, looking down trodden. I nodded. She pouted. “I have to get all this paperwork together.” I inwardly groaned, knowing I would stay here and help her. “But you should go.”

“No,”I said. “I'll help you.”

“No, you go As long as you tell Mike and Chester...and Phoenix...and Joe...and Brad and Rob 'hi' from me.” Teal smiled at Rob's name and I looked at her, not sure what to say. I wanted to clarify again there was nothing between us, but I knew we'd be arguing all night on that. Teal always had to win.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Special thanks to:

Here's an AMAZING Linkin Park story by my good friend Ne.Ver.Fall.A.Sleep and Let's Get Outta Here:
Wake of Devastation, Lost in Desperation

It is amazing I promise you! xD