Sequel: With You
Status: Completed :)

Just Friends

Just Stay Away

Jen's POV

I kept my head still and my eyes shut until Teal brought in a glass of 7-Up and Ibuprofen. “God bless you,” I mumbled, lifting my head to swallow the pills. “Why don't you have a hangover?” I asked almost accusingly.

“Because I didn't down ten shots of tequila in under a minute,” she smirked.

I didn't deny it, I knew it was a stupid act on my part. But in my defence, Sam was annoying me. She and Rob were all lovey and showed way too much PDA. Why it torked me off, I didn't know, and I didn't care. There was nothing between Rob and me.

“So what did we do last night?” I asked, my memories a little fuzzy.

Teal bit her lip. “Do you really want to know?”

I stared at her, a feeling of uneasiness coming on. Or maybe it was just hangover nausea. “Why? What happened?”

“ drank the whole time. Then you fell on Rob, told him you loved him, and that you'd give him a lap dance.”

I could feel my face turning red. I dropped back into the pillow and groaned. “You're kidding right?”

Teal shook her head slowly, trying to keep a straight face. “It was bad, but I don't think Rob took you real seriously.”

I put my hands over my face. “Oh, God, I hope not.”

“On the bright side, Chester and Mike got a real laugh out of it.”

“How is that on the bright side?!” I exclaimed.

“I don’t know. But I'll let you sleep it off. And if you don't feel better by then, I'll dig out Van Helsing and pop some popcorn. Just chill. It'll be fine,”Teal assured me and got up from the side of my bed.

I nodded and closed my eyes, hoping that she was right. No doubt, the guys would be giving me crap for the rest of my life. I wondered what Sam had thought. Had she been there when I'd said those things? I couldn't remember.


Later, after my hangover was diminished to a slight ache, I drove to the guys’ studio. I found everyone there, and when they all looked at me with suppressed laughter, I knew I was going to get a lot crap for a long time.

Rob got up from his drums. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Awesome,” I said sarcastically. “Look, I’m so sorry about last night. I didn’t mean anything any harm and–”

“Its okay, Jen,” Rob said, smiling.

I took a deep breath in relief. “Thank you.” He nodded.

“Jen?” I turned to see Sam standing by the door. “Can I talk to you?” she asked.

When I was out of the room, she closed the door behind us. Her lips were in a thin line, her brown eyes narrowed to slits. She rested her hands on her hips. “I don’t appreciate what you did last night.”

“Sam, I am really sorry about that,”I said earnestly. “I just had a little too much to drink.” I felt a little uncomfortable with the look she was giving me.

“Right, but what about all these other times you’ve been with Rob?”

“What about them?” I asked.

Sam gave an aggravated sigh and rolled her eyes. “Don’t even think that I’m that stupid! You’re trying to steal Rob back.”

“Whoa!”I took a step back, throwing my hands in front of me. “Rob and I–We never had...You’re an idiot to even think something like that!”

“I am not an idiot! You think I haven’t noticed the way you are when you’re with Rob? He’s with me now, so you better figure that out.” Her arms crossed over her chest, her lips puckered as she waited for my response.

“I don’t have any feelings for Rob ” I objected.

“Just admit it.”

“Admit what? That you’re all pissed because you were the rebound girl when I turned him down?” That hit a nerve.

“Well, at least I’m not a possessive bitch!”

My jaw dropped, my annoyance building. “I am not possessive!”

“Yeah, you are! You’re possessive, manipulative...and a whore!”

I’ve been known to have a temper, to not take kindly to other people’s insults, and this proved it. I back handed her across the face. Her head snapped to the side, her eyes wide. She glared at me and grabbed at my shirt, slamming me into the wall. She was tougher than she looked.

“Just. Stay. Away from Rob.”

“Make me. Bitch!” She threw me to the side. As I hit the floor, her nails dragged down my face. I gritted my teeth, pushing her off while bringing my fist back.

Before I could screw up that bitch’s face, someone grabbed me, lifting me clear off the floor. It was Rob. I growled and struggled as Chester helped Sam up. Her face looked pitiful as a fake tear slid down her red cheek, playing the victim. It made me even more furious and I hurtled a whole bunch of senseless profanity at her.

However, Rob was hauling me down the hall and out of the building, my feet never touching the ground. I shut up.

He set me next to my car, when I looked up at him, his face was unreadable. “What the fuck, Jen?”

“She...I...her...but she...”I stammered, flustered from the anger still in my veins. I sighed in surrender, when nothing worth making sense came out. “I’m sorry.”

Rob sighed and scratched the back of his head. “Go home and cool off,”was all he said and turned around and walked back to the studio, leaving me alone in the parking lot.

Rob’s POV

When I got back inside, the guys told me that Sam was in the bathroom.

I slowly opened the door. “Sam?” I called. She came running into my arms, crying.

When she looked up at me, her massacre was running and there was welt across the left side of her face. “Oh, Rob,” she sobbed. “I can’t...believe...Jen would do this to me.”

“What happened?” I demanded.

Sam took a few shaky breaths before she answered. “She slapped me for one thing! Then she was going on how I don’t deserve you and how I stole you from her!” She wiped her eyes, taking some of her smeared makeup with it. “I just don’t understand. I thought we were friends.”

“Did Jen really say that?” I asked.

She looked at me, offended. “I’m not lying, Rob. I told you, she’s a little slut! She’s so possessive and she’s just plain ass crazy ” Then she started crying again.

I wrapped my arms around her and she clung to me. I rubbed her back.“Its okay,”I said. Jen was very hot-tempered when she wanted to be, I didn’t doubt she would slap Sam...if she was provoked. Jen looked just as hurt as Sam did when I left her. When I thought about it, knowing Jen for so long, I didn’t honestly know if I could trust Sam’s word or not.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooo! Cat fight!!! xD And 6 subscribers to go along with it!!! What do you guys think of Sam now? lol Does Rob believe her? Will Jen and him make up? So much suspense!!!

Thanks to Ne.Ver.Fall.A.Sleep for updating her story Love Knows No Fury for me!!! Read it, its amazing! You're the best bud!

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