
Walls [7]

Lydia was still in the bathroom stall and 20 minutes had passed, her phone was on silent and she was awaiting her uncle and Skyler, who was one of Lydia’s favorite hunters because they hit it off pretty well, to come and get her from the Target. She hoped they came to the right one. The said it would take them at least 30 minutes. She had another 10 before the possibility of even moving from her crouch. She was stiff and her legs ached from the position she had waited in for the past 20 minutes. She stayed where she was silently, she did not want a repeat of earlier’s events.

Lydia slowed her breathing as someone entered the bathroom. A mother and child. The child was bragging about being able to go alone for she was a big girl now. Lydia had to hold back the urge to giggle. She got a kick out of kids. She head heard so much gossip, and things she never cared to know by her current position. She waited patiently.
After another 5 minutes Lydia could no longer hold her position. She slowly moved so she was standing leaning against the wall of the stall thanking God in her mind that it was a cleaner public restroom. She laughed at the irony, her friends knew she hated public restrooms and only used them in dire emergencies. Well this was indeed an emergency.

She suddenly felt her pocket vibrate, it was a text from her uncle, stating they’d be another 15 minutes and to hold steady. Lydia sighed and shifted her weight again.

The bathroom opened again. This time it was a deep and masculine voice. “You think she’s in here??” A voice Lydia did not recognize asked incredulously.

“Well it is a fairly sweet hiding place, where we should not be, but hey since when do we play by the rules?” This voice she recognized, it was David. Lydia mentally kicked herself again for moving from her crouch as she heard them approaching the stalls. She put on her strongest mental blocks but was penetrating the waves to read theirs. The were coming her way. She prepared herself to leap when the approached the stall, and hopefully the element of shock would get her enough time to vamoose. She hears them slamming each stall open., being in the middle one was a very wise choice. She prepares herself, and as soon as the door slams open she ducks rolls underneath the two towering men and quickly jumps up and runs out the door. As soon as she exits the door she slams into a body. So much for a quick escape. She looks at the body she ran into. Her jaw drops. Derek, Andy’s bandmate stands there looking shocked.

“Uh- Hi Derek, Bye Derek…No time to explain but I have to go… and with that she rushes out into the store dodging up and down aisles looking for a place to hide and leaving a confused looking Derek behind.

Derek in a minor stupor watches as David and his companion exit the bathroom looking wildly for Lydia.

“You Derek, you see where the girl who ran out of the bathroom went?” David asked.

“You mean Lydia?” Derek questions slightly confused.

“Yeah, we need her, and now, it’s very important.” David presses, closing in on Derek.

“Look man, you know I always help a brother out, but you are not choosing a good one to mess with, she’s already taken, well almost anyway, so I’d find yourself a new fling.” Derek takes a step back evaluating the vampire.

“She’s not a fling idiot, she’s involved in a little situation. And then well we’ll see…” David trails off thinking.

“Involved in what situation?” Derek questions still evaluating.

“Just because you are in that band now you think you’re out of the business, we’ll news flash D, you’re not. Beware of where your allegiance lies.” David closes in on Derek’s personal space pushing him a bit, “Now I will ask one last time, which way did she go?” Derek a bit nervous, confused and perturbed to speak just points toward the store. The other two head out in that direction and David mutters with fake nicety a “thank you” as they leave.

“Yo D! where you been?” Andy hollered from the starbucks within the Target.

“I just had the weirdest encounter… That Lydia chick, your Lydia just ran into me, and ran off right after, and then David and one of his cohorts were like searching for her. I don’t know what the heck was up with that it was weird.” Derek spilled sitting at the little table with Andy grabbing the mocachino he had waiting for him.

“What?!” Andy bellowed looking at his friend “and you didn’t go after her, where is she!?”

Derek rolled his eyes. “Somewhere in the store I think. I don’t know am I her keeper now?”

Andy quickly got up leaving Derek in a state of confused shock still trying to figure out what was going on. Not that Andy had it figured out, but he knew of David’s team was after Lydia it couldn’t be good.
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sorry it's taken so long for this one and it's still uber short... I have been sooo busy I can barely stop to think. Hopefully I will have another one up soon and it will be better and longer... I <3 you faithful readers and my beautiful commentors, like neverendingnights XD