Treads on a Heart

The Past and Now

We had been arguing over stupid stuff at that time and we got into a huge fight. I pulled a kitchen knife on her when she snuck up behind me and accidentally stabbed her in the hand. It had gone all the way through and we stared at it. I broke down and started apologizing immediately as she got on her coat as best she could and asked me to drive her to the hospital. I had tears streaming down my face when we walked into the emergency room and asked for help. The doctor came out and looked at her as if she were an alien and proceeded to take her back to a room. He told the nurses to look after me and make sure I didnt hurt myself while he was helping her. After an hour and several cups of coffee with one of the nurses, Casey came out and looked at me with a smile. I broke down again as she threw the knife on the table and sat down next to me. Amanda, the nurse i was with, handed me a tissue and asked if there was anything she could do for me. Casey looked at me and asked her to get some aspirin for me. Amanda returned with three small pills and handed them to me with the casualness of a drug dealer. "Vicodin", I heard her whisper. We got to the car and Casey looked at me with her beautiful muddy green eyes and asked if I was okay to drive. She took it back when I asked her why there were clouds under my feet. "I'll be fine to drive home then", she stated quickly as she helped me into the car. I was asleep by the time we got to the highway and all the way home.
The next morning, I found her in the kitchen making breakfast with the knife I had stabbed her with. I swept her up onto the counter and kissed her so deep and passionately that she dropped the knife and lost her breath. "I'm sorry for stabbing you baby", I said as she regained her breath. She stopped and ran her fingers through my hair. She hadn't done that in a long time. I looked at her with a confused look and she took my hand, "it's my fault. I snuck up on you without remembering work for you.. and the past few days for us." she said softly. I looked down at the counter and said, "no, it's my fault. I shouldn't have done it, no matter whats been going on. I'm sorry." She smacked me on the back of the head and forced me to look up. She saw the confsion on my face and smiled. "Smile, you didn't kill me. It'll only leave a scar. Nothing more. You are forgiven."
As i came back to the present, she looked at me in the eye and smiled. I just stared at her like she was insane. "Case, you are the craziest person i know," I said, "maybe thats why I can't let you go." She blushed and looked down at the floor. "Liam, go to sleep," she said, "it's been a long, hard, and emotionally draining day for you." I looked at her and she said, "you don't know what you're saying. Go to sleep and we'll talk more in the morning."
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The last of what i wrote so far.