The Unexpected & The Forbidden

Ordinary Day

Chapter 1: Ordinary Day

Casside POV

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My alarm clock obnoxiously screamed. I hit the snooze button and just laid lifelessly in my Queen sized bed. I didn’t get one ounce of sleep last night. Fighting off villans in another world takes a toll on you. What am I talking about? Well my family is a family of superhero’s. It’s true. My mom can fly, stretch like rubber, and scream hella loud. My dad has super strength and super speed. My powers are mind reading, invisibility, and force field.
I’ve been fighting bad guys since I was 14 years old. I’m 16 now so that was 2 years ago. When I was younger, before I discovered my special abilities, my parents would go off protecting the world from harm. I thought that was the coolest. I couldn’t wait until my powers set in. Now, I dread it. Don’t get me wrong I love saving the world but the pain, sleep-deprived, and social disease isn’t worth it. I’ve seen too many innocent people get hurt either because of me or some idiot. I have no friends because I never been to a real school until my Junior year of high school. Why? Well My family are superheroes, and since I was 12 I’ve been in intense training. I never had time for friends or school. So why all the sudden change? I wanted to date, sports, hang out with friends, etc. I wanted to be a regular teen. At first, mom and dad was not for it but I convinced them. One of my regular abilities.
“Casside! Up now! It is 6:00 and you need to be at school at 7:30!” My dad screamed up the stairs. I rolled my eyes and rolled lazily out of bed and into my own bathroom to get ready. I’m an only child so I kind of get spoiled.
I showered for ten minutes, dried off, lotion then got dressed into a red and black plaid dress with a black bow in front in my waist with red vans. I stuck in my black rose earrings and applied coco Chanel perfume to my neck and body. I straightened my dark brown hair and pinned my bangs back. Finally, I applied a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was 7:15, time for me to leave for school. I grabbed my keys and headed to the 3 car garage where my baby was parked. I drive a 2009 silver Camero. I love it.
“Have a good day a school sweetie.” Mom said hugging me and kissed me on the cheek. Repeating the process with my dad.
“See you after school pumpkin.” He smiled.
“See guys later. Love you!” I took off before they could respond. But I still heard mom say we love you too using her ability. I smiled.
I made my way to my baby. I put my bag on the passenger seat and I sat in the driver seat. The garage door opened as I started my car. Once I checked and saw no cars passing by I backed out the garage and drove to my destination.
of make-up and wear short revealing clothes. She gets away with everything. Her father is the best lawyer in Columbus, Ohio. So she’s filthy rich. She’s daddy’s little princess. He gives her anything she wants, money. The ride was getting boring so I blasted some Paramore. We we’re born for this filled my car as I nodded a sang along. I loved Paramore ever since I went to their concert on my birthday; May 3, 2010 in Columbus, Ohio. One word. Epic.
I pulled into Berwick High School’s student parking lot and parked in the next available spot. I shut off my car, grabbed my book bag, and got out the car. When I did the school’s, for a lack of better word, bitches pulled up beside me. I instantly became annoyed as Miley Cyrus was blasting in Brittany Thorne’s speakers. I rolled my eyes as the captain of the football, Mike John, team walked up and full- blown made out with Brittany. How can someone do that. I’m not all for PDA but they are loyalty.
See Brittany, is the head bitch. She has a fake nose, boobs, and long blonde hair. She stands at 5’3’’ but is fiery and fierce. She cakes on tons , cars, boobs, nose, purses, you name it. Spoiled to the core.
Brittany’s two clones, Jessica and Jamie Wilks are two plastic twins. Their mother produce tons of artists music. She produced Christina Aguilera, Beyonce, Destiny’s Child, Eminem, Flo Rida, and plenty more. They are equally spoiled rotten. Jessica is very slutty and she owns it. She already had sex with half the football team. Jamie likes older guys. She slept with a guy that was 24 years old. I don’t know if the guy was stupid and lonely or she lied about her age. Either way it’s disgusting.
I walked through the front doors and made my way to the cafeteria. There standing by the entrance was my good friend Christiana Gomez. She is 5’5’’, weigh about 134 pounds, light brown hair to her waist, and perfect pearly whites.
She greeted me with a hug, “hey girly, cute outfit. How’s your morning so far?”
I pulled out of the hug and responded, “ugh! Already annoyed by Sluttany and Dick!”
Christiana laughed, “already? How?”
I giggled to, “dude they basically had sex by my car! It was so gross! My sweet, sweet eyes,” I pretend sobbed. This caused Christiana to laughed more.
“Hahahahahaha, gross! So my dad said you could come over for a GNI,” Christiana smiled. Our girl’s night in is always so much fun. I smiled.
“Excelente! I think…,” I confused myself.
“Yes, that’s how you say it,” she rolled her eyes. Of course she knows she Mexican. But the funny thing is she is taking Spanish 3. Hey, it’s not her fault her family doesn’t speak Spanish. I laughed too but that’s how we became good friends. The bell rang signaling that it was time to go to homeroom. I rolled my eyes and Christiana and I went to Acting 2 with teacher Hall. I genuinely hate this class. I do not like Performing in front of people, but it was this or business class. NEXT! Christiana and I sat by each other in every class that we have together.
“Alrighty muchachos, pick a partner and a monologue. One partner is to direct the mono and the other is to act it out using no props whatsoever. Use pantomime,” Hall announced then went about his business. Of course, Christy and I are partners we just needed to decide who performs. There is no way in Hell I am going to perform.
“One the count of three,” I said, she nodded.
“One, two, three!” we rock, papered, and scissors and I lost. She had paper and I had rock.
“Shit!” I yelled drawing attention to myself.
“Sorry,” everybody turned around.
“Sorry chica but- actually I’m not,” she said snickering. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I knew she was joking so it’s all good.
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