Status: updated every friday bitches :)


Chapter One

"There you are," Jessalyn Barrett called to me. I smirked, starting to walk towards her as my eyes scanned the dark alleyway we both had retreated in.

"Did you see them?" I asked, walking on past her. I knew she would follow quickly behind.

"Well, yes and no." I turned my head slightly, raising an eyebrow. "I saw the Rev and Christ, but no one else."

"Weird. They usually send out the Berry's for their nightly prowls." She nodded in agreement as we continued to walk the back alleyways.

We had taken a big risk in splitting up to scout around City Of Evil, but it was a risk that was necessary. Jessa and I had to keep the whereabouts of a certain gang in check, just to ensure that our paths didn't cross. If they had crossed, it wouldn't be a very pretty scene.

Avenged Sevenfold was the gang and Jessa and I were trained to take them down. Our fathers had taught us everything they had known, making sure we were experts in hand-to-hand combat and weaponry. That was until this new gang had heard we were being trained and wanted to take us down before we got to have the chance to harm them. Of course, our fathers easily got this information early, before they had time to capture us, and told us to run far away. So, we did, knowing this was a big deal.

But we returned upon hearing of our fathers' capture. They were apparently torturing them for information on our whereabouts, and we wouldn't have that. We dove right back into Bat Country and rumors spread like wildfire. Avenged Sevenfold knew we were here and they sent out nightly investigations to find us. Obviously, they had no such luck since had been two months or more.

"Why would they be out themselves?" Jessa questioned, turning to me. I shrugged and continued walking, checking around every corner to make sure the coast was clear. "They usually send out the Berry's or their other henchmen."

"Maybe they know we're near," I said, smiling at Jessa. Johnny's Bar quickly came into view as they rounded the corner.

"Alright, I have everything we need," Jessa spoke, removing the backpack that had been on her back ever since we had departed ways at Central Park. She pulled out two bags from inside the backpack. One was marked, Payton, the other, Jessa.

"Ready to do some undercover work?" I could feel the adrenaline already pumping through my veins at the aspect of rivaling against the notorious gang tonight. We knew it was a possibility, but not a definite.

Jessa nodded her head and, right there in the dark alleyway, we stripped from our black attire; jogging pants, tank top, and sweater, and slipped into our undercover clothes. Jessa dressed in a strapless blue mini dress. It fit her like a second skin and the bejeweling around the waist indicated how small she really was. A beaded black, multi-layered necklace hung around her neck and silver, sequined flats rested on her feet. A white Guess purse hung from her left arm which held two loaded hand guns, mace, and a taser. Of course, that was hidden under the normal things you would find in a woman's bag.

I, however, wore a tight fitting, red dress that had a hole on my right side, paired with black, high heel, ankle boots, a multi-chained necklace, and a black Guess purse. Much like, Jessa's mine held two loaded handguns, mace, and a taser. But unlike Jessa, I had my prized knife on me, also. It was residing in my left boot, strapped to my ankle. My knife was my favorite thing to use in combat.

I watched as Jessa put our black clothes into the book bag and hid the bag behind a dumpster.

"We'll come back for it later," she said and I nodded. We moved into the light and quickly took out our handheld mirrors, moving under a street light. It was risky but needed to be done. We threw on some make up then put everything away. I tousled my hair out of it's high ponytail and let it fall in waves around me, Jessa doing the same.

I pulled out my aviators and slipped them over my eyes, ready for business. Jessa took out her bug eyed (I liked to call them that) sunglasses and slipped them on also. We smiled at each other and made our way into the bar.

As we entered, I felt the heavy tension in the air and grimaced. They were here.

"They're here; sitting over in the far corner." Jessa stated and I nodded, slyly looking over towards where she indicated. There they were, laid back and laughing. I raised my lip in disgust. It was so easy just to pull out my handgun and kill them all, right there and then.

"Act as normal as you can be." I whispered, fighting back my urges. She nodded and we walked right up to the bar. We sat down, not ordering anything, just looking around.

"They're leaving," Jessa whispered but I didn't bother to look. I heard the jingling of the door and then the tension lifted.

"Alright, let's gather some information." I stated, hopping from the stool.

"Information?" Jessa asked, astounded. "They're right out there! Let's grab our guns and fucking blow their heads off."

"We'd get ourselves killed that way and how do you propose we find out about our dads?" I hissed. She shrank back, defeated.

"Can I get you pretty ladies anything?" A dark haired man asked, coming up to us. I plastered on a sexy smile and accepted his offer.

"Let the playing begin," I whispered to Jessa as I passed. I saw her roll her eyes but smile as she made her way over to a lonely man in the corner.

No, we were not sluts or whores. We toyed with men's emotions to get what we wanted. In this case, it was information on the gang that terrorized this beloved city. We needed to find out if they still had our fathers and if they were still looking for us.

"Yes, I believe their still looking for those two women." The man, who I found out his name was Mark, said. "Don't let anyone know, but all the power to those girls. Hopefully, they bring them down and free all of us of their burden." I saw the scowl come into his face and I grimaced. There was definitely people who overheard his dislike of the gang and I prayed for him that he would make it to see tomorrow night.

"Payton, I think we should leave now. I don't want to stay out too late." Jessa whispered in my ear. I nodded and stood up. Mark tried to pull me back but I quickly got out of his grasp, not wanting to linger any longer if Jessa wasn't comfortable.

We stepped out into the cool night air and turned into the alleyway where we had dumped our stuff. My heels clicked as I walked and it rebounded against the narrow brick walls. We got to the dumpster but our bag wasn't there.

"This is too weird," Jessa whispered, looking up at me.

"Maybe some hobo took it. There wasn't really anything important in it. C'mon, we have to go back to the car." I said, not at all worried, even though I should have been. Jessa shrugged and followed me. We took another back alley, heading west.

"Payton," She didn't need to warn me, I had heard. The footsteps closing in on us from all sides was enough indication that we had been found.

Two men, one heavily muscled and the other really tall, stepped out in front of us, cynical smiles plastered onto their faces. I turned my head slightly and saw the shortest coming up from behind us, another coming from the left, and the other, the right. The one on the right had a fedora on his head and cigarette dangling from his lips.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The rough voice of Shadows filled the silence that had been created upon their arrival. A smirk of my own graced my face as I reached into my boot.

"Took you long enough to find us," I said, subtly palming my knife.

"Do you want this to get ugly?" Rev asked, eyeing my enclosed hand. Hm, nothing went unchecked by him, I see.

The sharp sound of a knife leaving it's holder resonated throughout the dark alleyway. I smiled, bringing it up so it could catch the only light coming from a street post. It shined as the adrenaline pumped through my veins. I could see, out of the corner of my eye, Jessa reach into her bag to grab one of her guns.

"Bring it on," I spoke, diving forward first, my knife raised. My arm was grabbed by Synyster Gates as he tried to pull me back from my main target; Shadows. I swung my other arm around, punching him square in the face. He stumbled back, releasing me but I was charged again by Rev. I ducked under his outstretched arms, delivering a blow to his stomach.

"Payton!" Jessa screamed. I glanced over and saw that Vengeance and Christ had her cornered. I quickly moved towards her, but strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back. I elbowed Shadows right in the ribs and kicked my leg back so that my heel dug into his leg. I maneuvered my way out of his arms and pulled them behind his back. I slid the cool metal of my knife against his throat, not cutting him, but letting him sweat a little.

By that time, Jessa had Christ knocked out of the equation and she had turned her attention towards Vengeance. I saw her punch him right in the nose and knew they he would be bleeding by now. I smiled evilly, loving how five 'bad' men couldn't handle two girls.

"Fucking bitches," I heard Synyster Gates growl, heading towards me. I moved away from Shadows and turned towards Syn. I held my knife up, ready to penetrate him with it. I didn't give a fuck about the others, I just needed Shadows to rescue my father.

Before I could deal out the blow though, he took the butt of the gun that he held and smashed it into my face. The force he delivered it with made me fall back, clutching my face. I groaned but quickly got back up. The fire in my veins couldn't be stopped now as I dove for him. I only got the chance to cut a line through his leather jacket before I was flung back again.

I was being held by Rev, my arms constricted to my sides, as Shadows turned towards me. He kicked the knife out of my hand and got into my face.

"You have some nerve to try and kill me, bitch." he spoke, his hot breath washing over my face. I laughed cynically and spit in his face. He slapped me as Rev held me tighter. I growled, trying to wiggle out of it but it was no use.

I looked over to see Vengeance holding Jessa down to the ground as Christ wiped blood from his mouth, angrily.

"I'll give you some props," Rev said into my ear. I shuddered in disgust as I glared up at him. "You two are some of the toughest bitches we've had to deal with." I growled and tried to move away from him again.

"Where the fuck is our dads?!" Jessa was the first to scream out. Her patience wasn't the best, if you haven't guessed already.

"Six feet under where they belong," Synyster spat and I saw red.

"You fucking bastards!" I screamed out, finally ripping away from Rev. I quickly grabbed the gun from the bag I had discarded long ago, and cocked it.

"Do it, Payton!" Jessa yelled out and I pointed it at Shadows first.

"You pull that trigger and your friend dies," I heard Vengeance mutter. I looked over to see him hauling Jessa up by her hair, a gun pressed to her temple. My hands shook as I saw her.

"Don't look at me, Payton! Just do it! Kill the fuckers! They killed our fathers!" she continued to yell. I turned back to Shadows, my finger tensing on the trigger. The cocking of another gun pulled my attention back to Jessa. Vengeance gave me a cold look as if daring me to put a bullet into his leaders head.

I bit my lip and then dropped the gun. It clattered to the ground as Rev's arms encircled me once again, but this time he held a damp cloth over my nose and mouth. I watched as Vengeance did the same to Jessa. The drug that the cloth was coated in slowly made my eyes droop. I felt my body drop but I didn't hit the ground; I was still being held up by Rev. The last thing I saw before the darkness overtook me were these brilliant blue eyes that held some kind of remorse, but I couldn't be too sure about that.
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Sorry I didn't get this out earlier. My mom graduated from college today and I wanted to go see her receive her diploma and celebrate with her. So, yeah.

Like it? Hate it? Let us know! :)
Robin! <3

Jessalyn's Outfit
Payton's Outfit