Status: updated every friday bitches :)


Chapter Three

"Great. Not only am I captured, but I'm also the last resort. Nice. I'm totally loving this." I muttered sarcastically as Rev pulled me up the stairs.

"You're not the last resort." he mumbled. I was not making the trip to his bedroom any easier. He let out a huge sigh and then flung me over his shoulder. "I would've of picked you anyway."

"Put me down!" I yelled, ignoring him and flinging my arms out to hit his back.

"You're not making anything easy, are you?" he asked. I gritted my teeth and continued to hit him. I was frightened to death of heights and Rev was a fucking sky scraper.

We got upstairs and I tried to take everything in. The curve of the hallways, how many doors there were, the size of the windows, and anything that could be used as a weapon against them. So far, they had everything secured and locked. It irritated me.

"Let go of me," I heard Jessa hiss. I looked up just in time to see her being shoved in a room by Vengeance. I narrowed my eyes and memorized the door; third door, on the left, taking a right from the stairs.

"I demand you to put me down. Now." I snarled, kicking my legs also. I felt his hands grab onto my knees, ultimately stopping my movement and probably saving himself from a kick in the balls.

"You're in no place to demand anything." We stopped in front of a door and Rev reach for a keypad. I tried to turn my head to see the code but he caught on. Laughing, he pulled me down from his shoulder and pulled me into his chest. He held me there, my face smashed into his lanky body, and I heard the quick beeps of the keypad as the code was punched in.

"Any trouble, Rev?" A voice carried to us. I easily recognized it as Christ.

"Nah, nothing I can't handle." Rev spoke.

"Good. Teach that bitch a lesson for me, will ya?" he laughed. I felt my blood boil as I used my last bit of strength and pushed Rev away, not hitting him. Yet. I charged towards Christ, swinging my arm back and punching him right in the cheek.

This was an opportunity to escape but two things stopped me. One; I couldn't leave Jessa. Never in a million years would I try to leave her just to save my own ass. Two; I knew I wouldn't get far. Our 'test' proved that.

My moment of thought gave Christ enough time to regain himself and have me pinned to the floor, his hands around my throat. I mentally scolded myself on my relapse as the air escaped my lungs. I clutched at his hands, trying to tear them away from my throat. I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of crying and begging.

"Christ! Get the fuck off of her!" I heard Rev yell, but it sounded like an echo.

"If it was up to me, I'd kill you both right fucking now." Christ spat in my face, obviously referring to Jessa and I. His grip tightened but he was soon flung off of me. I coughed and gasped for some much needed air.

"You touch her again and I'll go after Lacey, got it?" I heard Rev say. Christ pushed Rev away, glared at me, then stalked off. Rev reached down and hauled me up by my arm, directing me towards what I presumed to be his bedroom.

"Do not do that again!" he yelled as soon as he shut the door behind us. I fixed him with a hard glare.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want," I sneered. He had me pinned up against the wall faster than I could blink.

"As long as you're under this roof, we control your every move." The way he said those words suggested something else and I narrowed my eyes. Jessa and I were being kept alive for something, we just had to figure out what that something was.

"I want to see my sister." I whispered, hoping they could grant me that. He laughed at me like I just suggested the most craziest thing in the world.

"And risk you guys plotting something?" Rev just shook his head. "We know how good you guys are. Our own fathers warned us about you two, and they were somewhat right. You girls pack a mean punch and you're highly trained in combat, but you panic under pressure. That's a huge downfall." I narrowed my eyes and moved forward to show him what I really had, but he just caught my arms and held them to my sides.

"Not now, Hendrix." I wasn't phased that he knew my last name. He was apart of Avenged Sevenfold after all. "You're tired and it wouldn't be very fun." His crystal blue eyes scanned my barely clothed body and I could just imagine the scenarios flipping through his mind.

"Pig." I muttered, shoving his arms away from me and stepping back. He let out a low chuckle.

"So, who calls the shots?" Rev asked next, leisurely sitting on his California-King sized bed. The smooth black comforter wrinkled beneath him, exposing a little bit of the dark red sheets.

"What do you mean?" I asked warily. He patted the spot beside him but I remained standing. He sighed and ran a hand over his face.

"You're very lucky, you know that? And you're just.. unappreciative." he spoke calmly. I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'm unappreciative that I got captured and am being held hostage by a fucking insane group of people that killed my father? Yeah, you're totally right. I'm really lucky." I said, my tone dripping with sarcasm. I turned away from him to make it seem like I was taking in his black and gray vertical striped walls, but I was really looking for escape exits.

"You're lucky," he said, getting up and turning me so I was facing him. I felt disgusted as his hands rested on my shoulders, but his blue eyes were welcoming. If I didn't know who he was and what he was capable of, I would of never pegged him as the gang type.

"Because I'm the nice one." he continued, giving me a small smile. "I would never hurt you on purpose. As for self defense, that's a different story. You attack me, I defend, but I won't punish you after wards." I didn't trust this man one bit, no matter how soft his words were. I wasn't to let my guard down.

When his words soaked in, though, something nipped at my mind. If he says he is the nice one, that means that the others were worse. Rev wouldn't punish me after I tried to attack him, but did that mean the others did? Would Vengeance do that to Jessa? The longer I thought about it, the more it bothered me. I had to know.

"How bad is Vengeance?" I spat out and I could easily imagine my eyes darkening with the thought of someone hurting my best friend. Rev gave me a sad smile and sat back down again. I didn't take that to be a good sign.

"Please, tell me." If pleading is what I had to resort to to get information about Jessa's situation, I would do it every time.

"You searched us, shouldn't you know?" he snapped, his eyes turning cold. I almost received a whiplash from how fast his mood turned.

"I thought you guys were all equal; all withholding the same evil." I spat. His features softened again and he took a deep breath.

"Shadows is the worst of the worst. He tortures you, then kills you slowly without a second thought. I don't like being around when Shadows chooses his victims. I'd rather kill quick and easy, no pain." I winced as he spoke of this casually, like it was an every day thing, like it was normal. "Synyster Gates is next in line. His main victims are females. He rapes them mercilessly and scars them for life. That's if he doesn't kill them."

I shuddered at the thought as Synyster Gates' face appeared in my mind. The sickening smile, the evil in his eyes, the screams... I could imagine it all and it was horrifying.

"Next is Christ. He's just violent, like out in the hall. He has no sick fantasies on killing or raping people, he's just pure rage. Get on his bad side, he'll beat you to a bloody pulp and leave you for dead. Other than that, he's a pretty okay guy." I scoffed again, adding an eye roll. Nobody in this hell hole was an okay guy, not even Rev. He chuckled at my disbelief but continued. "Then there's me. Quick and easy killing, no torture, no violence, but do me wrong and you'll be six feet under ground. I usually calm the victims first, tell them what they did wrong, and then let the others decide. You're lucky you have me, is all I'm saying."

"You still didn't tell me about Vengeance." I spoke. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. I was starting to wear down and standing wasn't helping.

"You can sit, I'm not gonna bite.. Unless you want me to." Rev winked and I gave him a look that said, shut the fuck up. Reluctantly, I took a seat next to him on the bed but kept my distance.

"Vengeance," he said softly, not giving me time to ask him again. "He's tied with Synyster Gates, really." My breathing came to a halt and a huge lump formed in my throat. Vengeance was just like Synyster.. maybe worse. Jessa could be screaming out for help right now, being brutally hurt or raped.

Seeing the panic on my face, Rev reached out to comfort me but I backed away. I took some calming breaths and tried to think clearly. I needed to save Jessa.

"I'm sorry," Rev spoke, causing me to look up at him in surprise. "I told you the wrong thing. Vengeance isn't as bad as Syn, but he can be. He doesn't rape women mercilessly.. He just.." he spoke, then stopped. I watched the piercing under his lower lip move a little and I knew he was toying with it, looking for the right words to say.

"He do rape women occasionally, yet not as bad as Syn. Vengeance is sort of a toss up between Christ and Syn, that's what makes him so high up on the list. He can't control his anger, like Christ, and he can mess you up so bad that you wouldn't even be able to recognize yourself." he finally said.

"So, if Jessa were to try anything.." I looked up to Rev's face and then I knew. If Jessa tried anything, she was to get seriously injured. I sucked in a breath and stood up again, pacing back and forth.

"Is there any way that you could stop him? Jessa is just as bad as him. She can't control her anger and I don't want to see her hurt." I chewed on my bottom lip nervously.

"That's an unspoken rule with all of us, unfortunately for you and Jessa. We don't get involved with each others business, it's just how it goes." I let out a frustrated grunt and raked my hands through my blonde hair. He groaned as a wicked smirk formed on his lips.

"You're sexy when you're frustrated." he said seductively.

"Fuck you," I muttered, stopping my pacing and standing still again. He chuckled.

"I'm only a man. Anyway, you didn't answer my previous question." I raised an eyebrow and he repeated himself. "Who calls the shots?"

"And I asked what did you mean?" I retorted, the memory coming back quickly.

"Who's the dominant one in your duo? You or Jessalynn?" I knew the game he was playing and it wasn't going to work.

"We're both equal. And your little mind game is futile."

"Mind game?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow. As if he didn't know.

"My father didn't train me for nothing." I hissed, then continued to explain to him. "You're trying to get inside my head, Vengeance is probably doing the same thing to Jessa. You can try all you want to turn Jessa and I against each other, but it's not going to work." He smiled, knowing I had caught on to his little trick.

"We'll see about that." he mused, standing up. I subconsciously took a step back and he frowned.

"I thought we went over that I wasn't going to hurt you?"

"And I thought I made it pretty clear that I wasn't letting my guard down." He sighed once more and turned to leave.

"I can only try to be really nice for so long, Payton. My patience can wear thin very easily." There was a moment of silence before he opened the door to step out, then turned back again.

"You can sleep in the bed, I know you're tired. The bathroom is right through that door," he spoke, pointing to a dark wood door on the right side of the room, opposite to the bed. "You can clean up, take a shower, and you can borrow some of my clothes until we figure out what size you are." I narrowed my eyes for what felt like the billionth time as he winked when he mentioned me wearing his clothes.

"Have a nice rest, babe." Then the door shut, leaving me alone. I heard the familiar beeping of the keypad outside the door and knew I was being locked in.

Taking advantage of this time, I searched the room thoroughly, but came up empty handed. They had this place secured. Even the two windows that resided in the room was bolted shut and had bars over it. There was simply no escape and nothing could be used for a weapon.

I sighed, finally accepting that I could do no more until I got a good night's sleep. And what always made me feel better was a good shower. So, reluctantly, I took Rev's advice and got a nice, long shower and dressed in a pair of his basketball shorts and a Metallica shirt. Of course, I almost drowned in the clothing, they were that big, but I didn't mind.

I climbed into the bed and welcomed it's softness and warmth. It didn't take long until I was slowly drifting off into dreamland, where none of this existed.
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Sorry it's a bit late. Love yah!
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-Robin! <3