A Warped Tour That Will Never Be Forgotten

showers... a rock stars best friend

After you waved goodbye to your best friends and turned around and looked at the guys.
"well guys, were are we heading"
" to the bus!" Ray said
you laughed and started walking towards the bus

once you got inside you went and sat on the couch along with Bob and Frank.
"Hey, we are about to leave for the hotel." Gerard said
"Ok, oh hey why are we saying at a hotel when we have this tour bus" you asked
" well, once and while we like to stay at a hotel so that way we can get a shower in and get a good night sleep"
"oh, I get it. Yeah I could use a shower"
he just laughed and said
"I could say something so mean right now, but I wont cause it's not true anyways"
"what, just say it"
"fine, but you asked for it... your right, you could use a shower"
you looked at him, then smelled your arm, not your arm pit, your arm and said
"yup, a shower sounds good."
he just laughed at you which then caused you to start laughing.
"I don't smell that great either, like I said before, I haven't showered in 5 days"
"well your on tour, showers don't just appear"
"ture, very true."
Bob just looked at you two like you were crazy, and Frank lead over and smelled your hair
" you don't smell that bad, you smell like a mosh pit"
" so I smell like 300 peoples B O and sweat... how does that not smell that bad"
" don't ask me... you want to smell bad, wait until you smell the tour bus bathroom"
"yeah now that smells really bad" Gerard agreed
with that last statement you two turned on the t.v and the rest of the guys all came to relax too.

a half hour later you got to the hotel. You all stepped off and went straight to the rooms. The guys got three rooms and were going to go 2 ,2 and 1 but since you came along, they desided 2, and 3 and 1. In other words, they gave you your own room since you were the only girl.

As you were getting ready to sleep Mikey knocked on your door. You went to answer it.
"Hey Mikey, whats up."
"Hey, I brought you this." he handed you a huge tee shirt. it was deff not his but you took it any ways.
"thanks" you said with a smile
"yeah, We all knew you needed something to sleep in so we went through our stuff and found the biggest shirt since we figured you wouldn't want to sleep in a tight one."
"oh, well your correct... who's is this then?" you asked
"your gonna laugh when I tell you this, but Franks"
"wow, well tell him thanks for me" you said about to brust of laughing
"your welcome" he shouted from the room nextdoor
you looked confused then went to the door that connects to the two rooms. You opened it up. and Gerard, Frank, Bob and Ray all came crashing down into your room.
You looked at them and then started laughing.
" and I thought only girls eez dropped"
"well, we wanted to make sure Mikey actually gave you your pajamas" Bob said
" hey! I told you I would" Mikey said
" yeah yeah yeah." Bob said
" well again, thanks guys. and thank you Frank for letting me use yours. I usually only sleep in big shirts so it works on perfectly." you stated
all of them looked at you like you said something sexual. since they were now picturing you in nothing but Franks shirt.
Frank coughed and then said " again, your welcome"
you helped them up one by one and they went back to their rooms.

You turned on the shower since you really badly needed one when some one knocked on your door again. You left the shower running and went to answer the door. Luckaly you still had on your clothes. you opened it and saw Gerard
"hey I know we just left your room, but Mikey forgot to bring you this too."
and then he handed you a new toothbrush.
"ah, thank you! I knew I would forget to ask for this" You said
he chuckled
"good night Carrie"
"Night Gerard." You were about to close the door when you said
"Oh and don't for get to shower"
he looked at you and then heard your shower going
"I wont, and you better not take all the hot water" while seeing the steam coming from your bathroom
you smiled
" I wont... Night"
and you closed the door and went and took your shower, brushed your teeth and went to bed.