The Story Of Us

Entry Two

“The story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now!” Taylor Swift blasted through my speaks on my computer as I sit here. My mind wouldn’t let go of what happened at school. And yes…he is involved, okay? We all know that now, no big surprise. I should talk to him if these feelings are still around, but I’m shy. I mean, nobody seems to understand that!

I mean, if you were shy you would understand where I’m going here, right? Well try explaining all that to the people that don’t. Being shy is hard when you desperately want to talk to the guy you like. It’s complicating. But it’s hard, that’s all I can say with that. Mostly because, well, you seem to have a hard time speaking the right words. You want to talk to him and yet you’re afraid you just might make a fool of yourself.

Lets backtrack here on this morning. Me, walking into school on the VERY icy sidewalk. And right when I walk into the hallways where the door is located behind me…BAM! I fall straight on my butt, right hand hits the ground behind me hard. Thinking to myself over and over again not to cry as I quickly get up and continue walking. But it was really hard not to cry, since my hand that hit the ground was throbbing with pain…LITERALLY!

Today was not my day…