The Story Of Us

Entry Five

Lately I’ve been listening to heart-broken, love, and crush-related music. Why? I’ll bring the answer into this, it’s because suddenly he won’t leave my mind. I can’t stop thinking about him, and I don’t mean to sound like I’m obsessing or anything. Just that, that memory is so fresh in my mind and it will not go away. Here’s the other thing, and this thought will not go away. I’m really and truly honestly tempted to try it.
My friend Shelby is one grade younger than me, so she’s a freshmen…k. Well, she’s friends with Adam too and knowing her you could tell she’s not afraid to do anything. And if she is, she just rarely ever shows it to anyone. I promise you, I’ve never in my life that I’ve known this girl…EVER seen her afraid to talk to anyone. Well…there was that one crush a while ago…never mind. That’s a totally different story. Shorten things up here, Shelby is not afraid to express who she really is.
Here’s my little thought. I was thinking about letting her know about my crush on him. I mean, knowing her, she would figure out some things for me and, how should I say this…get some information on what he thinks of me. Because lets put it this way, God gives you more than one chance. God is also there for you whenever you need him, he’ll never leave you to do something all by yourself. Just ask him, and he’ll be there for you. I’m one of those Christians where they don’t go to church every Sunday morning, but likes to think of God the way they think of him. I’m sorry, that’s just how I am. I can’t help it…it’s how God made me.
However, a little part in my mind is saying stuff like; “Don’t do it! You’ll get hurt, and embarrassed, and just will never forget it!” while another part is saying, “What do you have to lose? You have to take chances if you want to get somewhere with a special person.”
So…what should I do? Take the negative side, or the positive side? God, why does middle school have to scar people this bad?