The Story Of Us

Entry Six

I think I have a secret admire.

Ok, I have an account on and the only time I ever go on is when someone asks me a question. Which, now that I think about it mostly everyone does that. But still, that’s not really the point. I went on yesterday or the day before that and the question was saying how this guy has had a crush on me for a while now. He wants me to guess who he is, and I sent him an answer back saying, “If you really want me to guess who you are then give me a few hints. Maybe or a picture.” And then I put at the end if he goes to my school. Because, you know, he might be some guy that wants me to make a fool out of myself.

Right now I like no one. Frankly I highly doubt anything would go on with Adam, I’ll never be able to get the guts to talk to him again after what happened in middle school. Plus it’s middle school! Not like your going to meet your true love in that grade or anything, so really, your not missing out on anything.

Now I understand the feeling of having a secret admire. You have no idea who it is, and you just want to figure out who this mystery person could be. I just hope this isn’t some sick joke.