Status: very much alive.

Life Is the Medicine

the noisy night

“Oh, for crying out loud.”

Sakura stared at the blinking digital clock with murderous intentions. She observed how the number 3 in 1:23 AM turned into a 4, and another wave of frustration hit her. This was worse than PMS’ing, she decided. It was absolutely fucking terrible, and she rather be sleeping it off before her 4 AM shift at the hospital started. However, unless her bedroom’s wall stopped fucking banging, she wouldn’t be able to sleep. Fuck her ninja reflexes for keeping her awake. But, above all else, fuck her neighbors. She really hoped the dude would just come faster and force that whore to sleep. Damn it. Sakura needed her beauty sleep.

But, apparently, the gods had other ideas in mind.

“Aw, fuck, Jeffrey!

Oh, fuck yes, fuck, fuck, fuuuck!”

Sakura felt her patience snap. She sat up, turned towards the wall, and banged her fist on it three times. Thing is, she never gauged just how hard she banged, and thus, the wall started to crack.


And that’s how Sakura Haruno ended up owing her naked neighbors a wall and an apology.