Different But The Same!


Half hour later Freya left the office and managed to find her way to class. She knocked on the door and entered. The teacher was standing in the middle of the class room pointing to the board.

"Oh, hello. You must be Freya."

Freya nodded.

"If you would like to take a seat....umm.....next to Olivia."

Freya sighed. Typical. She smiled slightly at the teacher and sat down.
Olivia looked at her with daggers.

Adam was at in class when the bell rang. He slowly packed away his stuff and left with his friends. He saw Freya heading towards the canteen and was tempted to follow.
But he didn’t. Instead he went and played football.

Freya was relieved when the final bell rang. She pulled her bag over her shoulder and hurried out. She met lily and Hannah across the yard.

"How was your first day?" they asked her excitedly.

Freya smiled. "Oh, you know. Uneventful."

Adam was walking home and went his usual alley route. So far this week he had avoided Keith and his gang.
Keith and the rest of his mates didn’t go to Adam’s school. But every night on the way home, they cornered Adam and beat him up, well as much as they could get away with. They never attacked him where it could be seem. Only stomach and thighs. No-one apart from Adam knew about them beating him up. If they did, he could guarantee he would no longer have respect at his school.
So far this week, however he had managed to avoid them.
He made it through the longest alley and through to the other side. Keith and his gang rarely came this far in, so he relaxed a little.
He was about to cross the road when three guys turned up the street.
Adam cursed under his breath. He stopped walking and Keith and his bunch of gorillas came up to Adam.

"Ah, we meet again." Keith said, softly. "You have been avoiding us, little Adam-wad-dam. Keith’s gang doesn’t like that, do we boys?" the cronies nodded with excitement bursting onto their faces. Everyone knew what was coming next.

"Let’s teach Adam, here, a lesson!"
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Hmm..no comments so far, Shall I continue or not??