Island of Men

The Feast

I had put on a brave face for the town. I didn't want to show weakness before I left. They would want their leaders to be strong. It would be encouraging and give them hope. While I was gone, Hunter was to be a temporary leader. Only until my return. The four other family leaders thought that it would be a good experience for him. I only hoped that was true.

My canoe was waiting by the shore, several feet from the tide. As the tide approached the ceremony would begin to draw to a close, until it nearly reached the canoe, then it would be time for me to leave. I could feel my emotions rising with the tide.

There was a bonfire built out on the beach where the large hog was roasting over it. It had been killed the day before and had been donated by Derek who smiled at me as I came over to take a look.

"Hey there, are you ready?", he asked as he slapped me on the back.

I mustered the best smile I could, saying, "Ready as I'll ever be."

His face dropped a bit as he led me away from the growing crowd around the bonfire. Standing away from it all he said, "I heard about John."

I swallowed and nodded, looking away. I reminded myself that I was a leader and turned back to Derek. "I was there when it happened."

"Man, I'm sorry Jack. He was a good guy."

Derek understood how I felt and he just stared down at the sand, allowing my eyes to tear up with dignity, before I blinked them back. "Thanks." I paused for a second, unsure what next to say, then it came to me all at once. "He said some weird things before he went. Can I run them by you?"

"Sure, sure. Anything."

"Well see, he asked me not to go. He said it was more dangerous then we know and not to trust the women. He told me there was something that the Elders didn't tell us before they all passed. He said my dad knew something that we don't, which makes sense I guess. He was the last Elder. He told me to go digging around and see what I could find, but not to go."

Derek looked as confused as I felt about it all. "I mean, you can't just not go, but I'll dig for you and see what I can find while you're gone. I mean there could be something in the locked chests in the Great Hall, but none of us have any idea how to open it. The Elders did, but none of them passed on the knowledge. I'll try to figure out a way to get inside them."

"Thanks. I'd just like to listen to what John had to say." The silence stretched on after that and we stood for a few moments just staring out to the ocean where the tide was rising and falling. The mark where it rose steadily increasing by the second.

As I turned to go and return to the festivities, Derek placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hey Jack, take care of yourself. We need you here."

"I'll do my best." With that I left Derek to return to the hog and watch over it.

The time was going by too quickly for me to enjoy the festivities so I sat and watched the younger boys throw stones back and forth. It reminded me of how easy life was when you had no worries. They had no concept of the dangers of the world we lived in.

It grew darker every moment and the anxiety of leaving grew. The horn was sounded and we all joined around for the feast. I went to my seat at the leader's table while everyone else made themselves comfortable at our long feasting table.

Two boys were serving us tonight, in part to earn the respect of their fathers. There were no menial jobs here on the island. Everyone was important, just some more than others. The boys did it with their heads held high, knowing that helping out in any way was better than doing nothing. Particularly in the long run. A father would not choose a lazy son to take his spot on the council or to run a family business.

Once the food had been served to everyone, Derek stood to give a speech on my leaving. I knew staring up at him he would do it justice.

"It is nearly time that we say goodbye to Jack Chase for a year. On his journey, we wish him well and hope that he is able to come home bearing a son. Before we send him off, let us enjoy this feast in celebration of the many years our village has thrived on our traditions."

Everyone clapped and as he sat down, we all began to dig in. The main dining table became extremely loud, while ours remained eerily quiet. It felt as if the death of John had left us all afraid of what was to come.

Jim especially looked solemn sitting at the table. He would bury his brother tomorrow. I would have to grieve from a distance, unable to attend my friends funeral. I knew the journey to the island would be harder than for most.

Mark was the first to speak up. "It looks as if the weather will be nice to you on your trip Jack."

"Yes, I'm fortunate for that." I could feel the dread beginning to overwhelm me with every bite I swallowed.

Mark had already taken his journey. To the island. Derek and I were the only two who had yet to go. "I remember when I left. It was raining the entire afternoon, then bless the heavens it stopped after our meal."

"I do remember that. It was an extraordinary year for us", Charlie spoke, joining in the conversation eagerly. Jim however continued to eat, nodding slightly and looking from speaker to speaker. I could understand.

"Could you guys look out for Hunter while I'm gone? He will be taking over for me while I'm gone. I'm hoping he will mature." It was the hardest part about leaving for me. Knowing that I was leaving behind my duties as well.

"Of course!", Derek said. "He is in good hands."

I laughed at that. He was not the one I was worried about. Mark, Charlie and Jim may be on the council but we had never been close. We didn't always agree on decisions either. Charlie especially seemed to have a problem with my place on the council. While it was true we had no king, they knew as well as I did, that in the village the Chase family was much more looked up to and respected than the others.

At the sound of the final horn I cringed. It was now time to leave. I got up from the table, leaving my plate and what little untouched food there was. I was sure that I was the only one who had not cleaned my plate.

As we walked toward the shore it felt like I was carrying a disease as the men gave me a wide berth to my canoe. Derek and Mark led me to it and presented me with my travel bags full of all I should need for the next few days until I reached the island.

"We wish Jack Chase well!", Mark announced. The crowd cheered as I climbed into my canoe, waiting for the tide to come in and the men to push me off.

Right before Derek leaned toward me and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll be searching", then suddenly I was shoved off and as the water drew me out farther from the island the voices got more and more distant. Before I knew it, the island was but a speck behind me and I was left with long bouts of paddling ahead.

I didn't waste anytime. As the light slowly faded I began to paddle toward my destination, using the stars as my guide.
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I know it's been awhile, but this is personally my favorite story idea. I really hope you guys enjoy it.