Wall Paper

A Cherry On Top

Some bastard on the freeway decided it would be a good idea to cut me off, while I was driving in front of a semi. He thought his day would go quicker, by jumping ahead of me, without thinking of what might happen if I slam on my breaks with a SEMI IN FRONT OF ME. But, you know, the E.R. isn't so bad. It kind of sucks that my face is purple and my skull tingles. But, if we're trying to think positive, I might be able to pick up a girl, with my new battle wounds. Then again, maybe the fact that I now look like the kid from Mask, might be a little off-putting.
My car looks like something Ironman might have released from his bowels, but, 'Hey!', it was a piece of shit, anyway. Never mind that I now have to pay the-jack-hole-who-cut-me-off's damages, 'cause, I mean, OBVIOUSLY, I was 'following too closely, to break safely and/or properly'. Now, I'm sitting in my hospital bed, drooling from the percoset. Now, that, in itself is redemption enough, for this shit-fest of an evening. What really gives me a good chuckle, is, this has probably been the highlight of my day.


There's only one thing more degrading than finding your brother in bed with your girlfriend: comforting your girlfriend, who's bawling, after you've just found her in bed with your brother. Comforting her was equally as enjoyable as washing glass shards down my throat, with a healthy swig of sour milk. Equally as pleasurable: walking in just as he pulls out to shoot his load on her belly, only to find me standing in the door way. That would be enough, really, to ruin any guys day, but alas, I'm not through. The real stab, the thing that made me shit out all my emotions in one giant heap, was what my brother said to me, as I stood motionless in the doorway, watching him get dressed. No 'I'm sorry', no 'I can explain', or even a stutter of remorse, only:

"You can have her."

I instinctively put my hand in my pocket, protecting the direction of his words. Any real man might have punched him in the face or carved a hole in his chest with a steak knife, but I just stood there. Then, once he'd gone, Jenna cried.


"Shut the hell up, Jenna." I said it quietly, dropping my head, pivoting to leave.

Her sobs turned into stalling whimpers. It suddenly desisted, all together.I picked up my pace, heading for the front door, when I heard her bare feet slapping wildly against the wood floor. Her talons clung to the meat of my arm.

"Jasper! You can't leave!" My face burned red as I turned my head, to look at her from my peripheral vision. I simultaneously placed my hand on the door-knob and began to turn it.

"I love you Jenna." My eyes burned. My skin burned. My chest burned.

"I love you too Jas--"

"No, Jenna. I mean, I REALLY love you."
My words were breathy and drawn out, emphasizing the 'really'.

I felt it in my pocket, burning a hole. I slipped my hand in to retrieve it, tossing it on the floor, in her general direction.

"Here. You can pawn it, or something." I walked out the door and down all three flights of stairs, not giving a shit and a half if I ever saw that little blue box again.