
Pool Day

Over the next few days, everything was normal in the sense that the 10 friends played ball all day and all night. However one day it turned out to be horrendously hot, and none of them, except for Benny, wanted to play.

“Seriously Benny…it is way too hot here!” Smalls complained.

“Oh come on…it isn’t that bad!” He argued.

“Even I don’t want to stay and play…and I lived on a farm in Tennessee…all we did was work in the heat.” Cat defended and shrugged. “Come on… I bet we will have a fun day anyway.”

Everyone looked at each other and thought the same thing, and not twenty minutes later they were all at the pool. Now, the boys had been banned a few years back, but they had managed to get themselves back in a\on a probationary period.

While they were there, they all noticed that Wendy Peffercorn was working that day. Wendy was a local lifeguard, a couple years older than the boys and Cat, and Squints had a major crush on her.

“Now Squints…no screwing around this time. Stay away from the deep end.” The boys joked.

As the boys starting splashing each other, Cat snuck away and swam over to Wendy. “Hey Wendy.”

Wendy smiled. “Hi Austin. How are you these days?”

She shrugged. “I’m okay. Thanks for letting the boys back into the pool. I would never be here if they weren’t allowed in.”

She chuckled. “Well as long at Michael doesn’t pull any stunts like last time…you guys are fine.”

Cat rolled her eyes. “He won’t. I can personally promise you that.”

The girls laughed as the boys swam over to them. “Hey Wendy.” Squints stuttered.

Cat glanced at Wendy and they rolled their eyes. The boys just laughed.

“So…are you guys going to that dance at school next week?” Wendy asked casually.

“Yep! The perfect way to meet hot, single girls.” Ham said, smiling.

While that logic made no sense, the boys agreed with him. What they didn’t notice is that Cat and Benny both suddenly fell into an awkward silence. They both liked each other but no one knew that. Benny had been thinking about asking her for a while, but still hadn’t worked up the courage.

“How about the rest of you? Are you guys asking anyone special?” Wendy teased.

Benny now starting coughing. They all turned to him and smacked his back. “Dude…what’s up with you?” Ham asked quickly.

Benny shook his head. “It’s nothing…”

Cat watched him carefully, almost willing him to ask her right there. She wouldn’t admit it, but every day she prayed that he would ask her…and soon.

After they left the pool a few hours later, they all walked home. Once again, Smalls, Benny, and Cat walked together. However, after Smalls left them, Benny pulled Cat aside.

“Listen…I’ve been meaning to ask you this…and I don’t want it to be awkward or anything so you can say no if you want.” He rambled. “Will you…go to the dance with me?”

She smiled, and felt herself blush. She looked down to try and hide it, but she knew it wouldn’t help. She nodded. “Yeah…I will.”

He smiled, almost relieved. “Good.”

They stood there awkwardly. “Um…so I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She nodded and watched him run to his house. Inside, her whole body was freaking out. She couldn’t believe he finally asked her. This was the best day of her life…and for the first time in a while, she fell asleep with a smile on her face.