Status: workingon chaptera

A Dead Girls Story

chapter 2

A Dead Girls Story

Chapter 2

-Safe Place-

* Readers POV *

Stacy’s book is one to haunt my dreams. The realness is very much behind her words. I could feel her inside me. Her dying. Her wanting to die.

Stacy’s POV

You’ve made it past chapter one. You should be happy. But you’re not, are you? You’re probably crying your eyes out saying you’re sorry and wish you could have helped me. Spare me the lies and BS.

I hated school. I didn’t want to go. I thought after the first 5 weeks of school, someone would have cared. Would have noticed the silent one in the back of the room. Yet no one did. No one.

I began to skip school. I began going to the local park. I love to swing. It makes me feel like I can fly. I soon became jealous of the birds. They get to fly free. They’re not tied down to the earth, getting pushed further down, almost like being trapped by invisible chains. It was the only place I felt loved.

Now you’re probably wondering, how the crap do you feel loved? Well I felt loved by the park. It was a part of me. It welcomed me. It was as if the swinging motion of the swings were a gesture of a wave. I felt whole there. Sitting in the trees. Climbing them like a little kid would have done, as if to show them pretending to be a monkey. That park was the first place I felt was like home to me. I never did mention this to my mom, but this place was where I was supposedly spending the nights with friends. I would pretend the slide, which transformed into a little tunnel thing, was where I disappeared to every “sleepover”. Mom believed anything I told her.

All I wanted was to feel safe. I did feel this here. The slides, swings, and tire swing brought a real smile to my face. I pretended to be one of those people who would hike on those wild adventures. Later I learned you can’t hide yourself in the darkness of the tunnel of my life. You’re never alone. Even when you think you are. Alex, why did you do that to me? That awful thing behind the slide. I hope when you read this, you turn yourself in. I didn’t say a word to anyone. I kept my promise not to “say a fucking word to anyone or you would deny it and call me a tease”. I wanted nothing more than your help Brittany. Why didn’t you tell someone? You saw him hurt me. In my safe place. My safe place became a nightmare.

*Reader’s POV*

Stacy, what happened to you? What made your safe place a hell hole? Stacy what happened? Is this where fear made you lose your voice? Who’s this Brittany and why didn’t she help you. I want to hurt her. Stacy, why is your safe place were just 2 weeks ago a girl got raped? Did this happen to you? Dear god please tell me this didn’t happen. Something beautiful token away from you without your permission. Don’t worry Stacy I won’t judge you; I’m nothing like these people. I see beauty in everything.
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