

Shane ran through the doors of the photography building. His boss was sat on a sofa looking at him. He looked at his watch and shook his head. Shane sighed. he knew what was about to happen. A lecture and his final warning were coming up and he knew it. Second time late in one week. He knew he was in for it.
"Harper, you're late."
"Sorry sir."
"I know, I just got held up at home."
"Thats no excuse."
"I know. It wont happen again."
*And I hope you're right. Or I might have to let you go and you're a damn good photographer, so dont make me consider that Shane."
"I wont."
Shane walked through the room and once he was through the door and it had closed he cussed quietly. Why was he such an idiot? Why couldnt he get out of bed ten minutes earlier? That would reduce his chances of being fired dramatically,