Status: I work on it when I have time

Dark Moon

Flash back
The Queen just came out of labor. We have two new princesses, Serenity and Keaira. They are ten hours apart.
What do they look like?
Identical, except the hair. Serenity looks like her mother with blond hair, Keaira has black hair.
I see, thank you. Now return to the palace. Come and report to me every year on their birthday about the twin princesses.
Yes my lady Celina.
…6 years later to the day…
My lady Celina are you here?
Yes my loyal servant. What news of the princesses this year?
They have grown. Their personalities are finally different.
How so?
Serenity is whimsical and flighty with a one track mind and an aversion to studying. Keaira is the exact opposite. She is determined, strong willed, pays attention to detail, and loves to learn. However both are kind, strong, loving, and powerful. However I since more power in the dark princess Keaira than in her sister light older sister.
Will Serenity take the light side of the moon when offered?
I believe she will.
How can you be sure?
The light princess is afraid of all things dark. And her mother told them that when the time comes the princess of the dark side of the moon will never see the light side out the queen again. This made both girls cry but only the older one was violent about it. Little Keaira seemed to not like the idea but except it as being how things work.
Good. I want the dark one to come over to this side of the moon for me to train her. Now leave and return to the palace before you are missed, and make sure you and the others are the ones that escort the dark princess to me.
Yes my lady.
…1 year later…
My daughters come to me.
Coming mommy.
Girls sit down please. The time has come for you to receive your inheritance. Serenity, you are the oldest so you get to choose. Do you want to be the princess of the light side of the moon or the dark side of the moon?
The light side mommy. The dark scares me.
Then it is decided. Serenity say goodbye to your sister. You have to start your training and she must start her’s. You will never meet again after this day…
…A few hours later…
Why are there so many taking me to my new home?
We volunteered to lead you to the dark side of the moon and guard you with our lives Princess Keaira.
We are your maids, warriors, cooks, and servants.
No teachers?
You will meet your new teacher soon. Lady Celina are you here?
I am. Do you have the princess?
I am here lady.
My dear you are even better than hopped. Let me tell you who I am.
Yes lady.
I am Lady Celina, the spirit of the moon. I used to serve your mother, however she became power hungry and sent me away. Now my dear I serve you. You are stronger than your sister who will forsake the moon for the earth leaving it without a ruler.
I’ll still be here there will be a ruler.
I am afraid my dear that the traditions of your people are that if there are twin heirs born the younger is killed. If the older chooses the light side of the moon then the younger is sent to the dark side to starve to death alone abandoned by their escorts. If the older chooses the dark side the younger is executed as soon as possible for a trisonus crime that they did not commit. Did you ever wonder why your mother never loved you?
Yes, lady I did. So I am supposed to die out here alone?
No, the people escorting you have worked for years before you were born to build a dark palace for you to live in. We have just been waiting for the princess that would have the power to rule the moon when it has been forsaken by their sister and to fight off all evil and bring about peace.
But there is peace. Mother has brought peace to all.
For now child. In a few years the peace will end.