Status: I work on it when I have time

Dark Moon

Family and Friends

I arrived home and walked to Serena’s room and went in. She was asleep on the floor using her books at a pillow and Luna was desperately trying to wake her up. I walked over to her and kicked her in the side.”WAKE UP!” She jumped and sat up straight looking at me.
“I’M UP!”
“Good, now let’s get your homework done.”
“Before that though, HOW WAS YOUR DATE WITH ADRIAN?!”
“I’ll tell you after we get your homework done.”
“Fine. But when you tell me don’t leave out ANY details.”
“I won’t I promise. Now let’s get to work.” A few hours and bruises later we were done with her homework. I looked at her and she was looking at me expectantly.
“We went for a walk in the park. We held hands and hugged. We talked about different things getting to know each other and he bought us ice cream.” I told her simply.
“Did you kiss?”
“No.” I stood up and walked out of the room and went to help mom with dinner.
“What do you mean no?” She asked following me.
“Exactly what I said, no. We didn’t kiss. We just got back together Serena.”
“Yeah, but you’re soul mates!” She squealed hearts in her eyes. I knocked her hard on the top of her head.
“Stupid, I’m still in elementary school and he’s in College. Do you know how taboo our relationship is?! Elementary students shouldn’t be dating above second year high school students. Your relationship with Darien is EXACTLY the same way.” She pouted.
“BUT KIARA!” She wined as I chopped some carrots and put them in with the roast. Once I finished the carrots I got to work on the potatoes.
“Don’t but me no buts missy.”
“GIRLS PLEASE! Serena go do your homework we will call you for dinner.” Mom scolded.
“It’s already done she stated with a smile.”
“Don’t lie young lady!”
“She’s not mom, I helped her do it and she’s all done.”
“OH! Well in that case, Serena you go set the table and then you can watch some television.”
“YAY!!” She clapped and set the table very quickly. I rolled my eyes and started on an eight layer chocolate desert while mom worked on the fruit. Once supper was ready we all sat down and ate talking about our days. After dinner dad and Sammy did the dishes and I went for a walk.
I was gazing up at the colored lights dancing in the Tokyo sky a smile on my face.
“Hey come on we’re going to be late meeting the others at Raye’s place.” Serena told me running up behind me. I nodded and we ran to Raye’s temple.
“YOU’RE HERE!” The other girls yelled happily seeing us.
“We thought you would be late again” Amy commented.
“Nah, Kiara has her on schedule.” Lida said with a smile.
“She even made sure all my homework got done.” Serena said a grimace on her face. They all looked at me and I shrugged.
“No big deal. I have to teach dumpling brain here how to be a princess again anyway I might as well keep her from failing out of school too.”
“You are an angel sent from HEAVEN!” Raye cheered. I just rolled my eyes.
“More like and evil angel from the dark side of the moon. You do know that all the evil thinks of the moon lived on the dark side, some of them still do.” I commented with a smile
“Like what?” Serena asked sacred.
“I could show you, but they would kill you.”
“They can’t really be that bad can they?” asked Mina.
“Worse. Way worse.” All of them looked at me.
“How did you and your court survive over there?” Amy asked.
“Well I never left the palace unless I teleported out. The guards kept the monsters away from the force field. And then there was the force field itself that all things evil and harmful out, including power.” They all nodded.
“So you can teleport?” Raye asked taking a cookie off the plate on the table.
“Yeah, I can do it by myself I just don’t like to because it hurts a lot. It takes A LOT of power to teleport and I have that kind of power it just hurts to do it alone.”
“So how did you get to Tokyo in the first place?” Mina asked.
“I teleported, no person in their right mind would sell a plane ticket to an underage teen emancipated or not.”
“Oh ok. How long does it take to recover from the pain?” Any wanted to know.
“Umm, I’d say about a minute maybe two. I have a high pain tolerance and Apollo keeps telling me I’m made of rubber and I just bounce back after anything.” They laughed. We spent the next three hours talking and laughing and I got to know them all quite well and they got to know me too. It was a lot more fun than I’ve had since I was re-born.
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