Teenage Dirtbag


[[Gerard Way’s POV]]

Her name is Sydney

I sat there in History class, my chin resting on my folded arms as I gazed at the back of her head. The teacher’s words simply faded into the background, my mind entirely focused on the beauty sat three seats in front of me. The one thing about her that stood out to me – and probably everybody else – was her scarlet red hair. Admittedly she had changed her hair colour several times before, but I thought red was a good look for her; it brought out her eyes a lot.

Today she wore a simple pair of dark wash jeans and a band t-shirt of some kind, the name of the band unreadable from a distance. She’s the definition of gorgeous. I’d never really talked to her, out of the four years we’ve been in same high school for, I’ve barely said 3 words to her. We had a lot of classes together, like gym in half an hour.

I continued to daydream about her until the bell rang, students immediately standing up from their desks and exiting the classroom into the already busy hallway. With my bag securely on my shoulder, I made my way through the many students, young and old, to the locker room. I set down my bag and began changing at an almost inhuman speed, wanting to get out of there as fast as possible.

Sitting on the bleachers, my eyes scanned across my fellow classmen, until they fell on the captivating red head. She was stood there with her girlfriends, dressed in the mandatory white shirt and blue shorts, keds and tube socks completing the outfit; she totally rocks that uniform. I gazed at her, smiling slightly when I heard her laugh, a string of velvety tones.

She suddenly caught me eye, seeing me staring. I sat there, my cheeks probably flushed but enable to break the eye contact. She was still talking and soon turned back to her conversation as if she hadn’t just looked at me.

But she doesn't know who I am
And she doesn't give a damn about me

Moments later a guy around six feet tall, more importantly her boyfriend, came up to her. He wrapped his tan arms around her, spinning her around in his grip before planting a kiss on her lips, bursting my bubble. Yes, she had a boyfriend. I love her yet I can’t have her. Watching on, I saw him pull her close to him, a seemingly loving gesture, but I knew him better. As predicted, his hands soon slid down and coped a feel of her butt, causing her to pull away slightly and slap his chest.

Her boyfriend’s a dick

He was the classic high school jock; football quarter back, class president, every girls’ dream guy. He was everything I wasn’t. And he’d simply kick my ass if he knew the truth, that I wanted his girlfriend. I’ve had the displeasure of knowing him most of my life, since he lives on my block and it’s kind of hard to ignore the fact that he drives an IROC.

But he doesn't know who I am
And he doesn't give a damn about me


Gym class had come and gone, as had the whole school day. I was now at home, sitting in my bedroom with music turned up as loud as it could go, simply thinking. It was going to be prom tomorrow, and I still hadn’t found a date. I’d asked a few girls but all I got was a laugh in the face before a firm no. I didn’t have the guts to ask her, that would just lower my self esteem even more.

Without a second thought about it, my hand went under my bed and retrieved a bottle of vodka. I unscrewed the cap and took a swig of it, wincing when I felt it burn my throat, but I knew it’d be worth it, it’d help me forget. A few more gulps and I was out of it, completely unaware of anything around me. In my intoxicated mind, everything was fine, everything was alright. And it was, well, until I woke up to reality the next morning.


Music thumped around the room, everyone dancing and laughing and having a good time. Except for me, I sat alone at a table in the corner, away from everyone else. I was still slightly hung over from my ‘party’ last night, and the music and flashing lights weren’t helping. But I had no choice; my mother had forced me to come, even if I was dateless, something about an ‘important stage in life’.

Through the crowds of people I saw a blur of red coming closer, and eventually I realised that she was walking over to me. The black, knew length dress she wore did wonders to her figure, but I tried to keep my eye contact either on her eyes or at my lap where my hands fidgeted together.

“Hey. Gerard, right?” I heard her voice ask. Looking up my eyes widened at the fact that she was actually stood in front of me, this wasn’t a dream. This must be fake, my lip starts to shake. I couldn’t utter a word so instead I nodded, still staring at her. “I’m Sydney, we’re in the same History class.” She added, smiling as she took a seat next to me, shocking me.

How does she know who I am?
And why does she give a damn about me?

“So, its prom, why are you sitting here all alone?” she asked me, the same genuine smile on her face, as if she was truly interested.

“I- all the girls I asked turned me down.” I admitted. Its not like I have a reputation to uphold or anything.

“Well, if it counts for anything, I wouldn’t have turned you down.” She said, shocking me even more. I frowned.

“Don’t you have a boyfriend?” I asked, confused.

“That jerk? I dumped his ass, caught him lip locked with another girl last night.” She shrugged.

“Well he sounds like a dick.” I commented.

“He is.” She said, nodding her head before letting out a short laugh. I couldn’t help the small smile that spread across my face.

“So, can I ask about the hair?” I asked, my confidence shining through as I gestured towards her crimson locks.

“Oh y’know, I fancied a change. Why, you don’t like it?” she questioned, arching an eyebrow.

“I never said that.” I smiled. “It’s just … different.” I added.

“Good different or bad different?” she asked.

“Good different, most definitely.” I said, nodding in approval. She laughed once again.

“Thanks.” She said. “Y’know, I don’t know why we haven’t talked before; you’re nice and funny, it’s a nice change from most of the jerks I know.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” I grinned.

“You should, I don’t give them out often.” She said, mirroring my smile.

“Hey, I vaguely remember seeing you wearing an Iron Maiden shirt, I’m assuming you like them?” I nodded. “Well I’ve got two tickets to see them on Friday. None of my friends really like them, so do you wanna come with me?” she asked.

“But you barely know me, honestly, I’m just a teenage dirtbag.” I said.

“Well I’m just a teenage dirtbag, like you.” She said, laying a hand over one of mine which were now resting on the table. Thinking it over, it did seem like it would be fun; I got to see one of my favourite bands with the girl of my dreams, what could be better.

“Okay, sure, I’ll go with you.” I answered. She smiled wider, keeping her eyes locked with mine before leaning forward and placing a lingering kiss on my cheek.

“Great, I’ll see you Friday Gerard.” And with that she stood up and disappeared back into the crowd of seniors. I lifted a hand to my cheek, still feeling it tingle from where her lips had been just moments ago. Out of all the other people she could have gone with, she chose me.

He doesn’t know what he’s missing.
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So i hope you like it, comments would be nice! xD