Life of a College Girl

Take my ***ing hand

"Carrie" no responce. "Wake up! You only have an hour to get ready before we have to leave for the show!" you heard Liz say into your ear. Liz is your other friend who is just obsessed about MCR as you and since Justin got sick you called Liz. She also has a key to your apartment because you girls are planning on moving in together. As soon as you heard that your opened your eyes and sprung out of bed and into the shower. "Thanks for giving me more time Liz" you yelled from inside the bathroom. "I did, you actually have two hours to get ready, I told you one to get you moving and out of bed" "damn you, but thanks". With that you fnished up your make up and hair and put on your concert clothes which are tight black bants, with and black high tops, long sleeve black shirt with your long live the black parade shirt on top of that. "ready yet?" she asked sitting on your bed waiting? "yes get your things and I'll meet you in your car." "good."

As soon as you got there you headed to the line. You saw around 10 people already and it was only 12:00 p.m but it didn't bother you considering you can still make it to the front but pushing and shoving. By the time 6:00 p.m rolled around the line went around a mile long, and you two were so stoked you couldn't stand still. Then the doors burst opens and people were pushing you shoving to get in. Liz ran ahead of you since she's only 5'1 and can fit in tiny places, you on the other hand were elbowed in the ribs and stepped on and with every one running to the door you ended up losing your spot in line so all day waiting was for nothing. As soon as you got in and to the stage you saw that you were half way in the mos pit when you should have been on the bars in the front. As the show went on you were getting kind of dizzy feeling but you wanted to stick threw it to see MCR again. Then everything went black and all you could hear was the crowd chanting "MCR MCR MCR" and you joined it. Out of no where you heard singing starting and you knew it was Gerard. Then right in the middle of the song with was "the End" the lights came flashing on and every one in My Chem were in marching band uniforms. You couldn't stop watching and singing along but then you remembered something. You had a backstage pass!

Then you jumped on a tall mans sholders and yelled in his ear crowed surff me i have to get out. he then picked you up and you were crowed surff all the way to the second line then dropped becaue you couldn't reach the secirty guards. A girl about your age help you up and you mouth thanks she smiled and continued to sing along, you on the other hand were determinded to make it out and backstage. Then during the song "The Sharpest Lives" you saw gerard come right in front of you singing. You kept eye contact with him until he finally saw you. You smiled and waved hi and he smiled. You then made a please help me out movement and he put his hand out. A bunch a fans went for it and grabbed it and held on to it but your hand was the one that was in his. Then he started to pull and you started to jump and push yor way out, the secrity guards noticed what was happening and they helped you get out, as soon as you were standing in their area you let go of his hand and mouth thanks. The secrity guards were yelling at you to get going when all of the sudden you pulled on your backstage pass from your front pocket and they took you up to the side of the stage near Frank and pushed you up, you then ran to the side near worm, showed him the pass and then hung with him for the rest of the show. The fans kept on giving you jealous and bitchy looks but you didn't care because you were watching your favorite band, and gerard helped you out personally. Who knew he was so strong.

As soon as the show was over the guys came running off, you moved closer to the side to get out of their way. gerard was the last one off, as soon as he came next to you he stopped and said "coming?" you said "yes." and followed him running to a backstage room. Once in the room the guys were all staring at you like who are you and what are you doing in here when gerard finally spoke up.
"guys this is the girl I told you about with Adam that one day."
"oh gotcha" Frank said.
"whats your name again?" Ray asked
"Hello Carrie" Mikey said
you smiled and said hi back.
"thanks for giving me that backstage pass and for helping me out and for letting me hang with you guys here."
"no problem" Gerard said with a smile.
"I didn't asked this before at the Library because I didn't feel it was the right time too, but would you mind if I got a picture with you, and the rest of you guys too please?"
"oh no not at all, now is the perfect time." He said with a smile.
"really? Thanks."
with that you took out your camera from the bag around your wrist stood really close to him and took the picture.
"how's it look?" he asked
you looked at it and saw it was burly. Then you showed him.
"lets try that again" he said. "this time Frank will take it wont you buddy"
"huh?, yea sure" he then took the camera from you and you went back up next to gerard. This time you went into a hug with him and he hugged you back with both of you faces showing of course and then Frank took the picture.
"Thanks Frank"
"no problem."
You then went up to him and took a picture of you two cheek to cheek. The Ray with him bending down alittle to make sure he was in the picture. Mikey was next he just stood next to you. Bob was last but he at least put his arm around you.
"Thanks again guys so much"
"thanks for coming to our show" Frank said
"hey guys times to go to the bus one by one who's first?" worm asked coming into the room
"I'll go" Mikey said.
"ok, Mikey, then Ray, then Bob, Then Frank, and then Gerard. Who's up for meeting fans tonight?" replied Worm?
"I'll go" Frank and Gerard said at the same time.
"alright well as I'm taking you two to the bus we will stop for awhile, lets go Mikey"

As every one was leaving you and Gerard were just standing and talking either about their show, or Taking Back Sunday show, or even other music until it was his time to go. As he was leaving he turned and said "Bye carrie" with a smile you said it back and followed them out to Liz's car and she was waiting?
"What the fuck Carrie!?! Where the hell have you been?"
"you wouldn't believe me even if I told you" You then looked at the MCR bus and saw Gerard sitting at the tabel inside smoking a ciggertte and looking at you too. You waved good bye and got into her car Liz following with a really confused but still pissed off face.

You couldn't wait until the next time they were in town. it might be sooner then you thought.