Status: Inactive, Sorry!

So Far Away

Jesus Christ you're tall.

Zacky's POV
" Dude!" I shouted.
Brian spilt beer everywhere. We were at our favorite restaurant. It wasn't a strip club or anything like that. The drinks were good and so was the entertainment. They always had dancers and singers on a small stage at the front. Our favorite was this girl and her boyfriend. They were dancers and damn could that girl move.
We sat near the stage most of the time. The girl was also a waitress here, and our table was one she served. The corner of the restaurant was a smoking area where she always went on break. I had only spoken to her a few times. She was so nice, and had the cutest laugh.

But there was something about her. She had scars that covered her arms. Scars that I'm almost positive were self-inflicted. Which I didn't understand. How could someone who seems so happy want to hurt herself like that?
But even with those scars, she was beautiful. She had medium length brown wavy hair, Bright blue eyes, snake bites and a beautiful crooked smile.

Brian was almost on the floor laughing.

"Take the shoooot!" He quoted.

I heard Jimmy says something but I was more focused on the arguing I was starting to hear. I could tell the guys heard it too. I looked around the room and I saw the girl and her boyfriend arguing. When I looked at Jimmy I could tell he was getting ad.
"He's getting a little too close." Jimmy muttered.
I looked back at the couple arguing. I saw him swing and the girl hit the floor.
I've never seen Jimmy move so quickly. n what seemed like a second Jimmy was over there, grabbing the guy by the shirt, and punching him in the face. When the guy hit the floor Jimmy grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall.
I rushed over to the girl, moving her out of the way. I sat her up against the wall and looked at her. Her eyes were full of tears and held a deep sadness. She had a small scar next to her right eye, and her cheek was split open.

"Matt!" I yelled. "Call 911!"

Alis POV
I looked at Zacky, then up at Jimmy, who had my boyfriend pinned to the wall.

"Jesus Christ you're tall." I said.
Zacky stared at me, baffled.

"You just got punched in the face, and you're concerned with how tall Jimmy is?"
Oh, right. I thought to myself. I'm supposed to act like this hasn't happened before.
I touched my cheek and started to cry from the pain.
I made up an excuse.

"When something traumatic happens, the human brain focuses on something else. Like when you get in a car crash and you start looking for you sunglasses, instead of focusing on what just happened." I explained. It was half true. And I had gotten so good at lying, I started to believe myself.

"The police and an ambulance are on their way." Matt looked at me while walking over to us, "Are you OK?"

I stared at him for a second before looking at Jimmy and my boyfriend.
"I'm fine."

Jimmy still had my boyfriend by the collar.
"Jimmy, you can let Kyle go now" I said.

"Fuck no." was all Jimmy muttered.
I looked back at Zacky staring at me.

"Is it alright if we go to the hospital with you?" Zacky sounded like he actually cared.

I smiled softly at him,"That's fine."
I looked back at Kyle, and I finally realized his nose was bloody. When Kyle looked at me I could see that his right cheek was swollen and his lip was busted open.

Jimmy just kept death glaring him, not daring to loosen his grip on my boyfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter finally posted :]