Status: Inactive, Sorry!

So Far Away

This isn't what i wanted.

Matts POV

When Cal and I walked back in to the house it was like world war 3. Zacky and Brian were in each other’s face, yelling. Johnny was sitting at the table and looked terrified.
I turned to look at val. “On 3. 1…2…3”
“Enough!!” Val and I yelled in unison.
Zack and Brian stopped yelling and looked at us. Val and I high-fived. “Now, calmly. And one at a time, what happened?”
“He called her a home wrecker!” Zacky said almost in disbelief. “He started attacking her as soon as she entered the house!” He was getting angry and turning red. “She ran off.”
“She slapped me!” Brian protested
“Because you called her a home wrecker!”

I decided to save Johnny before things got worse.
“Johnny. Pick up Jimmy and find Ali please.” I said.
“Gladly!” He said before running out of the house.

Now to fix this mess.

Jimmys POV

“Jimmy, we’ve been looking for hours, cant we take a break?” Johnny asked me.
“Fuck no. Its getting dark and she could be anywhere. She could be hurt.” My voice trailed off.
“As much as I don’t want to, should we check Kyle’s place?” Johnny suggested. I sighed, knowing we had to check.

Before we even got to Kyle’s apartment door we could hear yelling.

“Fuck knocking.” I said before barging in.

What I saw not only broke my heart but made me want to kill Kyle. He had Ali against the wall by he throat. Ali was sobbing and shaking. But what broke my heart were Ali’s arms. She had so many cuts; there was so much blood.

Alis POV

Kyle had me against the wall by my throat. I wouldn’t breathe and was already a little dizzy from the loss of blood.
I heard the door burst open and looked over to see Johnny and Jimmy. I could almost hear Jimmy’s heartbreak. Johnny was the first to act. He ran over and pushed Kyle off me. I gasped for breath as the crashed to the floor. Jimmy ran over and sat me up against the wall.

“For the love of god, stay conscious. Please.” Jimmy’s eyes were full of sadness.

It was getting harder to breathe. Oh god, I thought, Am I going to die? I don’t want to die. This isn’t what I wanted. I was scared. Jimmy sat near me and called 9-1-1 while Johnny restrained Kyle. I couldn’t stop crying. I had so many thoughts running through my head.

“The police and an ambulance are on their way. Please stay awake..” Jimmys voice hook and his body trembled. I turned to look at him only to see him crying.
“No.. Jim.. Don’t cry..” I clung to his shirt and mumbled to him as I struggled to stay conscious.


I woke up in a strange room in a strange bed. Everything was blurry and any noises I heard were muffled. I saw a figure walk over to me. The only thing I could make out was crazy black hair.

“Jimmy?” My voice came out a whisper. I blinked a few times to get my eyes to focus. When my eyes finally focused I wanted to cry. Jimmy’s eyes were bloodshot and puffy and his face was tear stained.
“You’re alive…” Jimmy sounded like he didn’t believe it. “You’re alive!” a smiled spread across his face and he started crying happy tears. Jimmy bear hugged me the best he could with out getting in the hospital bed or hitting my bruises/cuts. I started to cry uncontrollably.

“Hey, why are you crying? Don’t cry.. Please?”
“I didn’t want to die.. This wasn’t supposed to happen.. I’m so sorry jimmy…” I choked out between sobs. I was crying so badly it was hard to breathe.
Jimmy took my face in his hands. “Don’t be sorry. Just be glad you’re alive. I know I am.” Jimmy let go of my face. “Zacky and the rest of the boys will be here in a while.” He said.
Jimmy pulled a chair over and sat down next to the bed.
“Wanna tell me what happened?”
I sighed, knowing I’d have to talk about it eventually.
“Well, after Brian called me a home wrecker I-“
“What!? Why did he call you a home wrecker!? I’ll fucking kill him.” Jimmy looked pissed.
“I slept with Matt..” I mumbled.
Jimmy just stared at me and sighed.

“What happened after Brian said that?”
“I left Matts house and went to Kyle’s..” I stopped talking, expecting jimmy to say something. When he didn’t, I continued. “Kyle was home. As soon as he saw me he started beating on me. He dragged me in to his apartment by my hair and started hitting me, telling me I really was a home wrecker, that I was a slut and that I never should have left. I got scared so I got away from him and went I to the bathroom and started hurting myself.” I started to cry again reliving the horrible memory. “Kyle started banging on the door, screaming at me. He broke the door down and once he saw my cuts he told me I would never be more than an anorexic attention whore. He grabbed me by the hair again and dragged me out of the bathroom. He slammed me against the wall and started strangling me and yelling at me. It wasn’t long after that you and Johnny walked in.” I took a deep breath and held it, afraid of what Jimmy would say.

“You’re an idiot.” He said. I held back the tears. “But I’m glad you’re safe. And just, please, never listen to Brian.” He smiled, trying to lighten the mood.
♠ ♠ ♠
It was gonna be longer, but im tired as hell and cant type anymore. I'm sorry for so much violence! Kyle's a douche.

But it'll get happier and there will be zacky/ali action in the next few chapters. I also need a nickname for Jimmy to Call Ali but i cant think of one, help?

hope you like it <3