Status: Inactive, Sorry!

So Far Away

Who the *** would do this?

When we pulled in to the driveway the front door was wide open. Zacky and I got out of the car as fast as we could and ran towards the house. The front door had been busted open and the front room wa a mess. The couch had been overturned, all the drawers and cabinets in the room had been torn open and the stuff inside was thrown around the room.

"Zacky! The dogs!" we both ran towards the back door to see Majesty and Icky waiting for us. Zacky opened the door and let them in. They were both instantly all over us.
"Thank God you guys are ok." he said smiling.

"Im gonna go look at the rest of the house while you take care of the dogs. I'll be right back." I said to Zacky as I walked towards the stairs.

Zacky's P.O.V.

It had been almost an hour since Ali had gone upstairs. I figured she would be down in 20 minutes tops. I walked around upstairs, looking in every room for her. The torn apart house becoming less and less important with each empty room.

I got to Ali's room last. I should've checked here first. Of course she's in here.

I opened the door and looked inside. The lights were off, but even in the dark I could see the mess. It was the worst room of the house. Her room was completely torn apart, the mattress was shredded, there were holes in the walls and the closet door was off its hinges. Looking around the room, I noticed the window was open. it was early November, so I didn't think she would leave her window open.

I made my way through the mess, completely focused on the open window. I finally got to the window Andrew bone chilling air coming through it. I found a note taped to the window sill. "Call the cops and she dies. $500,000 before Sunday or she dies."

I couldn't breathe. Who the fuck would do this? And why? I couldn't think, I couldn't move. I was starting to shake. I grabbed my phone out o my pocket and dialed Matt's number. He finally picked up on the third ring.


"Get very one over here. Now." my voice barely a whisper.

"Wait, what? Zacky what's going on? Hello?" I hung up, grabbed the note and ran downstairs to wait for the guys.
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Updates are officially gonna be on Mondays :) It's gonna get a bit violent, just a warning. But it's getting good! Comments would make me happy!