Status: Inactive, Sorry!

So Far Away

Let's go *** shit up.

Kyle wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"I knew you couldn't stay away." He whispered in my ear.

I pushed against his chest trying to free myself. Someone behind me cleared their throat. Not expecting Kyle to actually let me go, i continued to push against his chest and I fell on to the floor . Zacky helped me up while Jimmy stepped in front of me protectively.

"You and Ali are over. I don't want to fight you again but if I have to I will." Jimmy just stared at Kyle. I could tell Kyle was intimidated because of how tall Jimmy was, and he didn't want to have his ass handed to him again.

"Whatever." Kyle snorted before pushing past us in to his apartment.


Over the next few days Jimmy and I had become attached at the hip. We did everything together and I had a permanent smile on my face.

I walked in to Zacks kitchen for some breakfast and found Johnny sitting at the table.

"Hey shorty." I said wit a smile.

"You're the same height as me! You can't call me shorty!" He laughed while shoving a muffin in his mouth.

"Yea, but I'm a girl so it's normal for m to be this small." I sat down next to him at the kitchen table.

"Enough of this conversation about height. Are you excited for Matts pool party tonight?"

"Fuck yeah I am!" I shouted. I looked around the kitchen "Where's Zacky?" I finally questioned, realizing he wasn't here.

"He's at Matts getting ready for the party. He sent me here to pick you up."

"Right. I don't have a car." I laughed. "Let me pack some stuff and shower, then we can head out."


On the way to Matts I blasted my favorite artist next to Avenged Sevenfold, Lady Gaga. Johnny didn't really mind as I sang and danced in his car He just laughed and lightly poked fun at me. When we finally got to Matts we were laughing an play fighting. But when we got inside we fell silent.
Matt was alone on the couch, visibly upset.

"I'll meet you out back." I whispered to Johnny. I walked over to Mat and sat down next to him. Whats wrong?" I put my hand on his back to comfort him.

"Val left to go stay at Michell's for a few days. We got in to an argument. We're on break for a few days. I feel miserable." He buried his face in his hands.

I chewed my lip and thought for a second. "You guys aren't splitting up for good, right?" Matt shook his head. "Well instead of being upset, why don't you enjoy tonight and give Val sometime to cool off?" Matt looked up at me and smiled, before pulling me in to a hug. "I'm glad we've become friends. " He said before pulling away. "Now let's go fuck shit up."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if there's a lot of typos and such, I can't type tonight. Just a filler, but I've already startedthe next chapter so it should be up later.