Status: Inactive, Sorry!

So Far Away

That was like kissing my brother.

Matt and I walked to the back deck. Brian and Johnny were in the pool, Zacky was relaxing on a chair. I was nervous about wearing my bikini, since the boys hadn't seen the scars on my stomach, hips and upper legs. When I stripped down I could feel their eyes on me. I knew that Matt, who was standing the closest to me could see part of the words "Fuck up" carved in to my hip. I hid my face as I walked to get a beer and walk to the edge of the pool.

"What's the matter Johhny? Too short to go in the deep end?" I took a sip from my drink.

"You'll be in the deep end in a second."He laughed.

What?" Before I could turn around to see what he meant, I was tackled in to the pool, beer in hand.

When i finally surfaced I saw Jimmy laughing his ass off trying to get out of the pool.

"You jackass! You made me waste an entire beer!"

He started laughing so hard he fell back in. I splashed water at him before I got the bottle out of the water.

When Matt started cooking the food a few hours later I got out of the pool to go sit with Jimmy on the deck. I sat on his lap and stole the beer out of his hand playfully.

It felt a little weird. His arm was around my waist and I was leaning against him. I didn't have feelings for him like that. And I could feel his eyes on me.

"You know you're not a fuck up, right?"

I blushed, knowing he was talking about my scars.

"I know. Kyle just made me feel like I was." I stared at the ground before turning to look at him. Our faces were awkwardly close. Jimmy smiled at me.

"As long as you know." He said.

"Jimmy I really appreciate what you've done for me. Even when you barley knew me, you helped. Just.. thank you. A lot."

I could feel my face getting red as he moved his face even closer. And for some reason, I was shocked when our lips touched.

Zackys POV.

When I looked up, I saw Jimmy and Ali kiss. I could feel my heart break.

"Great, just what we need, another girl using us to have sex with us." I heard Brian say.
I turned to face him.

"Dude, you know she's not using us. I'm the one who made her stay with me. and she's staying with me, no matter what." I masked my heart break.

"You're really gonna keep treating her like a princess after she just broke your heart? Everyone knows you have a thing for her. And I thought she liked you back." Brian shrugged.

I just stopped talking. I looked back up at Jimmy and Ali. They were both laughing. Jimmy knew I liked her, how could he?

Ali's POV.

I stared at Jimmy after the kiss. I didn't feel sparks or anything like that. I felt awkward.

"I'm sorry, but that was just weird. That was like kissing my brother." I hope i didn't offend him.

Jimmy just burst out in to laughter.

"Me too! Except it was like kissing my sister. I'm not even sure why I kissed you. Especially since Za... Never mind." Jimmy eyes went wide.

"Since what? What were you about to say!?"

"Nothing! Let's go eat!" Jimmy picked me up bridal style and carried me down to where the food and boys were.

While I was eating, I could feel Zacky and Brians eyes on me.I spent the next hour talking to Matt and getting drunk. When I looked over at Jimmy he was talking to Zacky. He almost looked like he was explaining something.

When the boys were getting ready to leave, Matt told Zacky he wanted me to stay the night, since he wanted help with the situation with Val. He told Zacky he would take care of me, and said good night to the boys.

After all the boys left Matt and I sat at the kitchen table drinking the rest of the beers and Jack Daniels. We were both really drunk and our bodies were really close. I looked up at him and I could see the lust in his eyes. He leaned forward to kiss me, I was drunk, so instead of pulling away, I deepend the kiss.