
Happy thoughts.

Soft, pleasant, white rays of light filter through my eyelids and every so often I feel a gentle, almost loving breeze against my paper white skin. I lie motionless, not wanting one inch of my body to be cast into shadow from the appetising, warmth of the sun. My urban hair is carefully touching my face, moving along with the wind, it almost feels like it’s stroking me gently, a lullaby, hypnotising me sweetly to sleep. Here, I could be fooled so easily into thinking the whole world was perfect if it wasn’t for the distant hum of passing cars. It feels like a parallel universe, divided by a rusty old gate. A place to feel, well feel….I can’t quite find a word to suit the beautiful sensation that totally overpowers you. That’s it. Beautiful. It was painfully beautiful. The beauty washes over you, around you, right through you. Like a glorious dose of gold pumped into your veins. Well, It was far more beautiful than the world I once knew. The world I knew a long time ago, a time I felt very much alone. That was, oh this is making me cringe, it was before I had met my boyfriend Jacob. Just thinking of his name makes a smile that would reach eye to eye, he is the only boy I have met that has made me feel the same powerful, overwhelming, numbness that I receive here. A shadow suddenly falls over me and at first, I think that it is just a lone cloud passing over, and I wait for it to pass, but it doesn’t, for a moment I listen carefully to my surroundings, and I hear someone breathing. I open my eyes curiously, ready to express my annoyance at this intrusion. But as I sit up, I am confronted with a pair of familiar eyes.
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