

There had been a brief awkward pause before he decided to say, ‘Actually, no.’ This was surprising. A strong, strange gust of wind blew over the field, trying to pull my hair along with it. I looked up and was disappointed to see a mass of clouds had formed over ahead, making their way to destroy my day. It was peculiar, one minute the weather was heavenly and then, the heavens erupt in a million rain drops, it was like the weather changed to suit my emotion. I gazed back down and subconsciously met his eyes, I am startled once again, I had almost forgotten his company.
‘I heard about the argument with your father this morning from your neighbour, Sohan. The nosey lot, listening in to your conversation, almost word perfect I expect. Then I noticed you weren’t at church so, I went on a quest of my own to rescue you. Didn’t take me long to figure out the one place you were most likely to be.’ He sat next to me, and rested his arm on my shoulders.
So, the whole community knew. I felt an queasy feeling in my stomach and a choking lump in my throat. This is bad, very bad, I thought. Father would be furious by now, firstly from this morning, then missing church and running away. What if he had lost his temper and took his frustration out on mother? This wouldn’t have been a first. I needed to leave now, run, run home and let him take his anger out on me. Just please, not on mother.
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