

I shot up, ‘I’m sorry, but I’ve got to leave…quickly. I can’t stay here any longer.’ My voice said it all, all squeaky and nervous, I’m struggling for breath. I’m such an idiot. I begin to race against the wind when a soft warm hand grasps my arm. I try to pull away, my mind fixed on something else much more important but he’s too strong. I weakly turn around and face him, a tear spilling silently down my face. ‘What?’ I whisper.
He moves closer to me. His forehead crumpled and his eyes piercing into mine. ‘I just want to say….I love you.’
I pause for a moment, staring at him, remembering the closeness we had shared almost a month ago. I want to say it back, but I don’t know how. The bond I feel with him is so strong and I want to express this, but I just can’t find the words. I feel a water droplet on my head, bringing me back to reality, and then lightly tapping my arms, and then, as I look up to the sky, my face. I feel transfixed by the weather, all around me it was a tinted blue, not dark yet but darkness was approaching and with it, something unknown, something terrifying maybe. Jacob steps in front of me, his hands on my shoulders, sending waves of shivers down me.

‘Quick, run.’
♠ ♠ ♠
Read Read Read please.