
I wish I wasn't at home.

Dripping with rain I enter the hallway, slamming the door behind me. At once I regret it, the noise will have alerted my father. I give a sigh of relief glad to be safe from the storm. And then I remember the reason I ran all the way here, the reason my pulse still beats fast and fear has tied the tightest of knots in my stomach. Without warning the doorway to my left is flung open and there is my father, in a quiet almost menacing voice he bade me to meet him in the dining room immediately after I have changed into some dry clothes. I traipse up the stairs, and check my mothers room, and I breathe my second sigh of relief as I see her curled up comfortably with a book in her favourite armchair.
She doesn’t notice me, so I inaudibly make my way to my room to change.
As I change I think about what my father will say to me and how I will reply, I repeatedly conjure up situations in my minds eye, these include being locked up for a hundred years… I’m getting a little farfetched here. And now I start to think about the argument earlier in the day, it seems so long ago now. Father and I often disagree, but it had always been minor, until now.
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Theres more.....