Status: COMMENT/SUBSCRIBE || That's what makes me keep writing!

Statues of Ourselves


“Hello?” I peered my head in to the door leading to my moving home for three months, “Guys?”

“EFFY!?” I heard a flock of footsteps rushing to meet me at the door of the tour bus. I should have known better than to put myself in this position of danger. Soon enough, I had four guys swarmed all around me embracing me in a giant group hug and pushing me back outside. I hated hugs, but I loved my boys. The things we do for friendship.

“Guys, I missed you, but we’re spending the summer together and I can’t breathe” I squeaked from under their grasps.

“Oi, we’re sorry Eff! We’re just glad you’re ‘ere!” Matt Nicholls said with a big ole grin while the guys formed an ellipse around me.

“Looks like you’re ‘air is just as red as it was the last time we saw ya!” Jona said rubbing my head messing up my hair.

“Missed ya Elizabeth.” Lee said sincerely.

“I can’t wait to watch videos of cat’s with ya on youtube!” Oh Matt Kean.

“So many parteh’s so little time m’dear.” Oli concluded my welcomes from the boys.

I hadn’t spent more than a few hours with the boys from Bring Me The Horizon in a good six months and it fucking sucked. In case you’re wondering how I even become friends with a group of boys from Sheffield when I’m simply a college sophomore from the states, well it all started quite awkwardly actually. My best friend and I were at a show in our hometown of Seattle when we were merely seniors in high school. We had gone downtown early to catch a bite to eat and wander around before getting in line. Out of our bright minds we decided to go to the art museum and see the Picasso exhibit (despite personally finding him slightly boring), and as you can guess we awkwardly ran into my British best friends in the art museum. They sensed that we were going to their show and we started a conversation. Since then we’ve been friends. My life rocks sometimes. Back to reality.

“Okay, I know I put my suitcase under the bus, were can I put my makeup, and where am I fucking sleeping?” I asked ready to get on the bus and set down my hefty train case full of makeup. I probably have as much makeup as Oli has tattoos. It’s a hobby really, but my best friend works at MAC so I take advantage.

“Well… ‘bout the bunk situation…Ye’re gonna hafta share with meh Eff.” Oli said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. By now the rest of the guys had gone back on the bus and gone back to doing their usual things.

“Oh?” I was slightly confused. I felt like I was a bit more a hassle than I should have been.

“ ‘tis nothin’ really, just don’ have quite enough room for everyone to sleep on their own. And I’d rather share with ya than have you be a nomad around the couches on the bus and all. Just don’t worry ‘bout it Effy. We can watch lot’s o’ movies!” Oli said with a huge apologetic smile.

“Well, if I’m not infringing on your personal space then its fine. Sounds like its good I brought my DVD collection then.”

“Let’s just get ya settled then?”

“Good Idea.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you all like this story. I decided to write my own Oli story because I'm uber particular with the stories that I read and I could'nt find one that I hadn't already read that I liked. So if you can't beat 'em join 'em I guess?
I REALLY LIKE COMMENTS. Ultimately I'm only going to read if people tell me they LIKE what I write. That being said I DO have a Senior year of high school to complete so sometimes updates may not be as frequent.
I tend to write SHORT chapters but I will have probably a longer story. I like to keep things together by time and I like to write a lot of dialogue.
Oh and if anyone's asking. Yes, I watch UK Skins. Kinda love the nickname of Effy for Elizabeth. =)