Status: COMMENT/SUBSCRIBE || That's what makes me keep writing!

Statues of Ourselves


"Holy fuck shit! I'm sorry I didn't see you!" said the boy I walked into. I glanced up from my spot on the ground and saw it was Alex Gaskarth. As I brushed the dirt off my hands and knees I came up and gave a small smile.

"Uhm it's okay, it was probably me who wasn’t paying attention. I have a habit of zoning out from time to time."

"My names Alex, I'm in All Time Low, I'd love to see you watch our set tomorrow." I'd never heard someone speak so directly to me. It was kind o attractive.

"Uhm well I'd have to double check with Bring Me's set and my time to work the mercy booth..." I went on nervously before being interrupted by Oli.

"Sorry mate I got 'er workin' the drop dead booth durin' yer set." Oli protectively wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Sometimes I think he wishes he were my big brother.

"Oh, well see you around sometime..."

"My names Elizabeth, but you can call me Effy."

"Bye Effy." Alex sauntered past us probably heading back to his bus while Oli and I remained standing there, his arm still over me.

"I think we should head back to the bus; I can feel a sunburn forming, I forgot sunscreen" I said gazing up at him with a pout.

"Sounds good Eff, perhaps we should watch a movie?"

"WIZARD OF OZ?!" I love that movie. I went through a phase of falling asleep to it every night for a while.

"Sure," Oli replied with a smile as we stepped on to the bus. We headed to the back lounge to check if the television was free but it wasn't. Instead there were the rest of the guys playing FIFA on the Xbox.

"Looks like we're watchin' in meh bunk Effy" Oli said turning from the back of the bus.

"OUR bunk technically bunkmate and that's fine. I'll probably turn into nap mode mid way through the movie anyways"

" 'Kay you go in first and I'll follow" I hopped up into the bunk and slid towards the wall Oli soon followed and we adjusted so that both of us would be comfortable which essentially meant half my body was on his. Thankfully we were close enough friends that being this close wasn’t awkward, especially considering we were sharing a bunk regardless. As I watched Dorothy step into the land of color I began to feel my eyelids grow heavier and soon enough I was asleep.

“Awh look, she’s creatin’ a puddle on his shirt!” I awoke to Matt N attempting to be silent but, alas he was Matt N and that just wasn’t obtainable by him.

“Can you please be quiet about my drooling? I was hoping to drool for another hour.” Matt just chuckled and walked away

“Can yeh not elaborate on how much longer yeh were goin’ to drool on meh for?” Oli said while shifting under me. Well now I’m just embaressed. I have a habit of sleeping with my mouth open I guess.

“How long have you been awake Oli? And I promise I won’t salivate on your shirt any longer if you promise to let me out of this coffin!” Oli hopped out agreeing to our deal and I followed his lead. He started to walk to the front lounge and took off his shirt. Sometimes I couldn’t help but stare at all the vivid colors that adorned his body.

“I never fell asleep.” Oli replied nonchalantly while sitting down and grabbing his laptop.

“Oh, I’m sorry if I trapped you there for however long” I said while sitting on the couch across from him.

“ ‘tis nothin’ Effy, you’re quite comfortable yeh know…’till yeh start to drool.”

“Oh shut up! I’m sorry I can’t breathe through my nose while in deep sleep. Plus I don’t if I get to sleep on my stomach. Just get used to being drooled on because there’s a lot more where that came from.” Once again I followed Oli’s lead and pulled out my laptop and went to check all my social networking sites.

“If you drool on meh I’ll just have to sleep without meh shirt!”

“Bet she’d love that Oli” Tom said plopping right next me. I just opted to stay quiet because no matter how I responded It would end in me being teased. Instead I distracted Tom with a sing along.

”It doesn’t matter if you love him or capital H-i-m…”

“ ‘re we ‘bout to have a “Born This Way” sing along!?”

“Yes Tom, We are.” And thus commenced the intense singing along to Lady Gaga. Naturally I began to dance, considering I’m thoroughly obsessed with Lady Gaga. I even have “Little Monster” tattooed on my left arm in the same spot Lady Gaga has her tattoo saying the same thing. Eventually the six minute sing a long ended and I was straight up out of breath. I flopped onto the floor of the bus and Oli stood up and stood over me giving me a huge grin.

“Sometimes yer adorable Eff.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I have returned! All of a sudden my story had a boost in readership and subscribers and comments! I think it finally became searchable on Mibba! Anyways, you show interest and I shall return the favor with a new chapter. I've been super busy lately also which is part of the delay though. I'm offically going to University of Nevada-Reno for college next year! WOO HIGHER EDUCATION!.

And yes I LOVE Lady Gaga, and I do plan on getting that tattoo someday, she does much more for me than just provide me with amazing music to listen to. She stands for so many great things!


Also, if anyone wants me to read their Oli story feel free to ask!

Oh and thank you to NikkiNicholls and RipssaRadke for the comments =)