Status: Complete

Honey, Where's My Arm?


I got out of bed and put on my black leather cat-suit I was so fond of before brushing my hair and tying it back. I grabbed my twin katanas and strapped them comfortably to my back, then put on my black, knee-high boots and grabbed my bow and arrows. I walked downstairs, grabbed my bag, and heaved the heavy, metal front door open. I scanned the area, there were no signs of any walkers, but I took to the roof tops anyways, I felt that it was safer that way. I made it to the grocery store to gather the non-perishables that I had run out of, and put all the supplies I needed in my bag. I stepped over the dead bodies that littered the floor as I "shopped" then took to the rooftops again.

That's when I heard it, a deep rumbling coming down the road. The source of the noise was too far away for me to see, but I knew it was either a caravan of vehicles or an army of the undead. I hoped for the former. Thankfully, it was. Unfortunately, the racket they caused brought a few walkers out of hiding. I strung my bow and waited for the walker to get within my range, as soon as it did, I let go and hit in right in the center of it's forehead.

The caravan of vehicles came to a stop and more walkers came out to play. I dropped my bag and leaped from the rooftop, drawing my katanas as I did. I got the walkers' attention and they started towards me. I sliced my katanas through the air, beheading two walkers. I nailed one in the chest with a roundhouse kick, knocking him to the ground then ramming the blade into his head, killing it for good. I brought the other one up, slicing one walker right down the middle, only to bring it back down on another walker, ending it's undead life as well.

The people got out of their vehicles, those who had seen looked in awe of what had happened. "Who are you?" asked a man dressed in a police uniform.

"Butterfly, and shouldn't I be the one asking questions around here?"

"Were your parents hippies or something?" asked a man with blonde hair.

Before I could answer I seen a walker coming up behind him. Unable to get to my bow, I threw the katana. It spun past him and hit the walker in the head, knocking him down. I walked past the blonde to retrieve it. "Y-y-you just threw that at me!"

I stepped on the walker's chest and grabbed the handle, as I pulled it out I said, "No, I threw it past you."

"What if you had of missed?"

I looked him dead in the eye, "I never miss."

I turned on my heel and walked away, sheathing the katanas as I did so. I retrieved my bag and when I jumped back down the officer said, "I'm Officer Rick Grimes, this is my wife Lori, and our son Carl...." he introduced everyone than asked, "Are you the only survivor here?"

"Yes." I turned and started walking away. After I had taken a few steps I turned back around. The group was still standing there, "Well, are you people coming?"

"Let us get our things."

I nodded a reply and waited for the group before leading them back to my home. Once they were all inside Lori said, "Well, it's not every day you see a house with a metal door and bars on the windows."

"It was my father's house. There's also an electric fence surrounding the back yard and a panic room in the cellar."

"Why?" Carl asked.

I glanced at him and said, "Because my father was paranoid." I turned my attention back to the adults in the group, "You can put your things wherever you'd like. I have some cod in the fridge that's already been cooked, I'll reheat it for anyone that's hungry."

An old man that had been introduced as Dale said, "Please allow me to thank you for your hospitality, but I feel compelled to ask, this building isn't going to self-destruct, is it?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Why would it do that?"

"We were at the C.D.C. and the good doctor there had locked us in when the building was going to self-destruct," Rick informed me, "So forgive us if we seem ungrateful, it isn't intentional."

I didn't say anything as I walked into the kitchen to retrieve the cod and warm it up for my guests. "You never answered my question earlier," Daryl, the blonde, said, sitting down at the table as I put a plate of the fish in the microwave.

"And what question would that be?"

"Were your parents hippies? Why else would they have given you the name Butterfly?"

"I never said Butterfly was my birth name."

"Is it?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"I'm just curious."


"What's your real name?" he asked as I got more plates out of the cabinet so everyone would be able to have a plate. I ignored him. He didn't bother to ask again.