Status: Complete

Honey, Where's My Arm?

A Possible Breakthrough

I was in the middle of writing down my observations on the effects the virus had on Merle's brain as my heavy eye lids shut and my head fell. The impact of my forehead against the desk was enough to wake me back up, and I sat up straight, opening my eyes as wide as possible. "Are you okay?" Glenn asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. We've been down here for hours."

"I know, I think I might have found something though."

"What is it?"

He brought my father's journal over to me and pointed at one of the entries I hadn't bothered to read. Formula X68 seems to slow down the effects of S23, but it doesn't stop the serum from mutating. The subject still transforms into a mindless zombie-like state in which they go into a violent frenzy. If we had more time we could find a cure, I just know it. I don't think it's going to happen though. Some of us have already given up, my dear friend Manuel has fled as well. He fears for the safety of the human race. Before leaving he urged me to quit as well, for the sake of Mariposa and Emily. I'm just too close to a break through to give up."

I quit reading. My uncle had worked on this project with him, and he fled. Perhaps there was something at his house that could help Glenn and me. He asked, "Do you think, perhaps we could recreate X68 maybe alter it's composition until we have a cure or something."

"It's possible. I say we should go to bed, then start fresh on it in the morning."

"That's probably a good idea."

"Before we start tomorrow, I want to go to my uncle's house, and see if I can find a journal or files, anything else that could help us."

Glenn nodded. "I'll go with you."

"No. You stay here and look through the files. See if you can find how X68 was made."

"Okay." We covered Merle's body with a lab coat and went upstairs.
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I wanted to make this longer, but I ran out of time. I'll try to update later tonight or tomorrow.