Status: Active, comments will probably speed up the process, haha:)

So You Say Your Rich

Date Swipe

"My brother's in love! My brother's in love!" Danielle skipped around me singing annoyingly. "This is fantastic! Did you guys know about this?"

"Nope," Cade and Dakota said at the same time.

"You did didn't you!" she gasped, "Will you look at my brother! His face is as bright at a Double Decker!"

I turned to her and took both of her wrists, "You can't tell her," she opened her mouth to protest but I quickly took both of her wrists in one and and clamped her mouth with the other, "One: she is devestated, I can't go swooping in! Two: she'll just get cocky. And Three:" I scoffed, "I don't love her," Danielle's eyes just rolled.

"Umm, Jude?"

"Not now! Do you understand?" she just looked at me, "I'll have Dad buy you that Urban Outfitters that you've been eyeing!" her eyes glimmered.


"Hold a damn second!" I was inched from my sisters face now, glaring. She sighed and nodded.

"What the hell is going on here?" another familiar voice said, my body turned around with my sister still in my hands, which made her fall to her knees and hit her head with a loud 'bang' on the coffee table.

Lacy's POV

I walked in with Reece just in time to see Jude about to make out with some girl, "What the hell is going on here?" I said. Jude turned around, I blinked and in just that time I missed what happened and saw the slut hit her gorgeous head on the hard surface. I'm not completely heartless. I ran to the girl, dropping hands with Reece and stood her up.

I was immediatly jealous. Her hair was perfect. It bounced back into place when she looked up at me. Her light wavey hair framed her model face. Her freckles were perfectly placed on her nose and her eyes could either be a stormy sky, or a dark marble color, it sort of reminded me of Jude. She wore a stylish leather jacket and black skinny jeans. her tank top matched her bright red 10 inch heels. I wish I could pull this off. Being the nice person I was, I checked her head for a scar and asked, "Are you alright?" I couldn't find a trace of a slightest bruise, yet. I listened for an answer but didn't get one. My hands were still on her head so I quickly put them down and watched as she grew another two inches, which put her a whole head and a half taller than me.

"I'm f-fine, thanks," she stuttered, wide eyes and she studied me. Awkberg.

"What's your name?" I asked out of courtesy.


"I'm Lacy," I held out my hand and she hesitantly took it and shook it, glancing at Jude who was glaring at Reece. Dakota and Cade looked like lost puppies, cowering in the corner.

"Oh, your... Lacy?" her voice sounded more questionable than nessacary, her head looked back at Jude and I saw him shake his head 'no.' "I've heard so much about you!"

"Can't say I can say the same."

"Well, I'm Jude's sister of course!" a large amount of pressure lifted off my chest and I sighed.

"Oh, really?"

"Yup, is it the british accent that threw you off?" that was a definate yes, "Sorry you see,I lived in UK when I was younger, I lived with daddy. And when he came back to the US I just couldn't leave. I'm a huge fan of the queen," she winked and laughed so elegantly and clearly, like a bell.

"Ah," I laughed too, sounding more like a man.

"And who, may I ask is this?" She raised an eyebrow, smiling brilliantly at Reece. I couldn't really care less if she took Reece away from me. I started to get a head ache earlier and asked if he could take me home, he did. I felt horrible doing that to him but he seemed fine with it. Before we enter the door, he said, "If you need to talk about anything, I can be there for you Lacy," we made a silent agreement to stay friends and walked into this mess.

"This is Reece, Reece this is Danielle" he walked over and kissed the back of her hand. Danielle giggled and they both looked at me and I nodded. I watched as they both walked out of the room.

"Well, that didn't last very long," I heard Jude laugh as he fell onto the couch.

"And what are you talking about?" I asked, feeling exhausted. My hand went to my head as I rubbed my temples.

"That date of yours," I walked into the kitched around the corner and started searching the cabinets. My head pounded and it didn't help that I coud hear loud shooting in the other room from some stupid video game.

"Just shut up," I whispered.

"What are you looking for?" I jumped because I realized that Jude had followed me and was right behind me.

"Oh God," I clutched my chest, feeling my heart beat hard, "You scared the hell out of me. I'm looking for some advil."

"For what?" he sounded concerned so I looked at his face but all that was there was frustration.

"My head," I started looking again.

"Up there," he pointed to the very top cabinet and he turned around, looking in the fridge. Typical guy. Then again, I'd probably be doing the same thing. My hands reached up and I managed to get the stupid thing open.

"Ugh," I tried to reach further.

Jude's POV

I rummaged through my fridge and pulled out a glass Coke bottle and opened it. I took a swig and gulped as I watched her struggle to reach that top door. My throat threatened to let out the snicker there, but I just swollowed it back. I almosted wanted to cheer when she managed to get the damn cabinet open. She groaned and I watched as her petite figure reached a bit farther and her little butt stuck out. I smirked, enjoying the moment. Her waist looked tiny in her tank top and her back muscles showed more clearly as she somehow thought that if she stuck out her chest, it would help too. Those legs tensed up as she was practically on her tip toes. I heard her moan once more and I was satisfied. I set down my Coke, walked over to her, swiped the advil and looked down, ready to give it to her. I didn't realize that I had grown so close though. Our bodies were pressed against each other and my lips were practically almost on her nose. I looked into those carmel eyes of hers and my hand carressed down her arm till I reached her hand and I lightly put it in ther limp fingers.

"Next time, just ask for my help," I could have stayed there all day, looking into her eyes but instead, I leaned down, brushing my lips to hers and I shuddered. I wanted to so badly to smiply go the rest of the way and feel the entirety of those perfectly shaped lips on mine but the better of me thought of her and how her mom had attempted suicide. So I pushed off the counter behind her, grabbed my Coke and headed back to the couch. My heart beat like hooves on a trail. My fingers trembled, making it hard to hold my soda. But best of all, my lips felt hypersensitive. All I could feel was her soft lips on mine, even if it was for a brief second.

So altogether, I'm not in love.
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Wow, once I started writting I just couldn't stop! So I guess you guys got the long chapter you deserved! :) Love you guys, and those comments really do make me want to write more for you guys!