Status: Active, comments will probably speed up the process, haha:)

So You Say Your Rich

Swimming Lessons.

Lacy's POV

I was practicaly wiping snot from my nose when Jude swam over to me. We leaned against the wall of the pool, standing, "Hey," he said.


"Look I just wanted to say that I'm really so--" he rushed his words, stumbling over them. I had to stop him.

"I forgive you," he just stared at me wide eyed.

"But I don't deserve your forgivness for what I said about your mom."

"You redeemed yourself. I mean, look where I am currently living!"

"Oh, so your living here now?" He looked over and winked at me, "I thought you were just visiting," I chuckled playfully smacking his stomach, "Alright alright, come on, let's go to the deep end! he started to swim over but I just stayed in my place, smirking at the idea in mind , "What's the matter? Can't swim?" He laughed but I just nodded, looking down to hide my smile, "Holy shit! Are you serious?"

"Yea," a lie. I took swimming lessons until my dad died, but I just couldn't pass up this prank.

"Well hell! You're gonna learn right now!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me.

"No! Jude come on! I'm gonna drown or something!" I protested trying to go back but as I currently realized, running in water is the hardest thing to do. There was a drop in the ground where the floor suddenly got steap. I pretended to look like I was going to faint, swaying a bit. He stepped off the edge and treaded to the center.

"Come on!" he called, "Just try!" I shook my head in a violent no and took a step back. "For me?" he fluttered his eye lashes and folded his fingers together. I laughed really loud at his attempt at being cute. It worked. I sighed and looked down, I was just a bit nervous. I haven't swam in a couple months. I took a step, holding my breath and droped like a rock. The next second I had strong arms around my waist pulling me up, "Are you okay?" Jude had his arm around me and dragged me to the middle of the deep end.

"Yea," I repied breathlessly.

"Ok, here" he took both my hands and I pretended to struggle, "You have to pump your legs," I just raised an eyebrow, "not in that way!" he laughed. I pretended to do this until I made sure he though I got the hang of it. "See! You can do it! How about the diving board?" Now here's the thing, I do actually have an irrational fear of drowning via diving board so my stomach felt hollow, as did the rest of my body.

"I don't know..." I said, not faking the fear.

"Aw, come on! I'll catch ya!" I just looked at him and smiled at his goofy grin.

"Okay," I got out of the pool and got on the diving board looking down. Oh God. It didn't help that since They were all good swimmers, the builders didn't even bother installing a small diving board. There was either one 12 ft from the water, or 24ft. I wanted to cry. I just stood there, looking down.

"Lacy sit on the edge!" he called out. I did. My heart beat fast as I looked down. I closed my eyes and pushed off. The next second I had water all around me. My feet searched for a bottom to push off of but all I could feel was more water. I looked down and saw that the floor was another 10 ft below me. I looked around and saw that the wall was also too far. My feet and arms pumped but I wasn't going fast enough, my throat ached for more air and my heart started to race. Is this how it ends? Really?

Suddenly, someone grabbed me around my waist, knocking the breath outta me and brought me to the surface. I started to cough and practically drink the air around me (pun intended), "Lacy? Are you okay? I shouldn't have let you do that, it was stupid of me." I shook my head and realized that, once again I was leaning against Jude's warm body and my head was on his shouder. I looked up and saw his brilliant blue eyes stare into my own eyes. I couldn't even tell if it was my heart that was pounding, or his. He started to lean in and I suddenly thought of how hospitible he was being to me and my mom. There was no way that I was going to take advantage of that. I'm just not that mean.

If this is going to happen, it's going to happen right.

Whatever brain, your dumb. He doesn't even like me.

Than why is it that he in leaning in to kiss you?

A prank, duh! He's pulling a fast on me, just like I'm going to pull on him.

His eyes began to close and I took that time to let myself sink like a rock again and swim 10 ft away from him, popping my head above from below the water. He looked shocked. Then a look of realization hit him, "Why you little!" I giggled and ducked under and swam away.

Danielle's POV

Me, Cade and Dakota all stood around the corner and watched as my brother leaned in to kiss Lacy, "Come on...Come on!" I whispered. Just then, Lacy completely disappeared and popped up on the other side of the pool. My stupid brother still had his lips puckered and his arms around the air. We all covered our mouths with our hand, trying not to laugh. Damn, this girl is fast. She turn to look at him and he composed himself, managing a shocked look. She dove under and appeared clear on the other side, leaving Jude crazy. This lasted for a long time, and it just didn't get old.

"Oh my gosh! This is just too funny not to be filmed," Cade said while he recorded the whole thing.

"I can't believe you played me!" Jude laughed. She popped on the other end.

"I can't believe you fell for it!"

"What are you kids looking at?" We all turned and saw Lacy' mom trying to see.

"Lacy tricked Jude into thinking she can't swim!" We all started watching again.

"Oh!" she laughed, "She always was a good swimmer, never a diver though. She's deathly afraid of jumping." Oh...then I guess she wasn't faking. This is just what my brother might need.

Lacy is a fantastic swimmer, and Jude hates swimming. Jude is a terrific diver, and Lacy is deathy terrified of diving.

They're like two halves of a puzzle.
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I literally feel like no one is reading when I get no comments:/