Status: Active, comments will probably speed up the process, haha:)

So You Say Your Rich


I could hardly believe that I had helped make this much food.

We spent about two hours making everything from bacon, to green bean casserole. The table was so full, it kind of reminded me of when I watched Harry Potter and I would see the tables full of food. Yum.

"Alright everyone," we all quieted down, watching Caroline. Jude reached for a roll but I quickly slapped his hand away. My mom was on the other side of me giving me a weird look somewhere between humor and sadness, "Let's pray!" Jude, Danielle, Cade and Dakota all groaned, "Take hands and close your eyes," we did, and when I touched Jude's, a literal shock ran through my fingers and burned me. We both gasped and said sorry at the same time, trying again, "Okay, Dear God: I'd like to take this time to ask you to bless this food to our bodies," I heard shifting and opened one eye. Danielle had taken a bite out of her potato and looked at me and Jude. Both of us had our eyes open now, "I'd like to thank you for bringing Lacy and her mother to us," Danielle made sure her parents weren't looking and opened her mouth showing us all the food she had piled in there.

"Ewwwwww," we moaned. Now all of us teenagers were snickering trying to hold back laughter.

"And thank you, Lord for especially bringing Lacy into our lives," I snapped out of it and looked at Caroline's face. She had a passionate expression and smiled, "She is surely changing my son for the better. Amen. Okay, let's eat!" Did she just say what I thought she said? I looked over at Jude but he just had his head still bowed, eyes shut. He was murmuring under his breath but everyone was so loud I couldn't even hear him. My eyes stayed on his lips and I could have swore that it looked like he had said, "Help me." As I started to lean in to listen like the curious cat I was, his lips formed a definite, "Amen." And I looked to the other side of me. I realized that the noise was from the younger of the table and all the adults were staring at me and Jude. My cheeks felt red hot and I looked down.

Dinner went on and Danielle told stories of how her travels went, skipping over the guy parts. Dakota and Cade said that they were going to go out tomorrow on a double date with Madison and a name I hadn't heard in awhile: Kristina. Everyone, "ooh" 'ed and "ahh" 'ed, making fun of them.

"In fact! Lacy, Jude, you both should come with us!" Cade said.

"To what, be your baby sitter? No way," I leaned back in my seat, giving my stomach a break from the food.

"Yea, if there was any way to spend my night, it wouldn't be to watch you guys make-out with some chicks."

"No no no no no no, I meant you two should join us. Like a triple date."

"I hope you guys have another guy for me and another girl for Jude."

"Y-yea," Jude faltered.

"You both are stupid," Danielle jumped in, "He meant that you two should go together."

"Pshh!" alot of consonants left my mouth just as it did Jude and everyone raised an eyebrow. Even I couldn't deny anymore that I was attracted to Jude and I most certainly didn't want him to know that, let alone his parents. I knew that there was no other way to try to get out of this unless I did what I was about to do, "Okay, Jude," I sat up and looked at him. He looked up at me and my throat closed off. Ugh. I took a breath and carried on, "would you like to accompany me to a date?" I held out my hand.

Jude smirked, "I thought you would never ask," he took it and everyone laughed. But what really got my heart beating was the fact that we were still holding hands, just under the table. Everyone else's conversations blurred by, I didn't even know what they were talking about. All I knew is that my body felt tingly and my hands felt warm, but not enough to fell hot or sweaty. It was comfortable, like it was normal.

Jude's POV

Oh. My. God. I'm holding her hand. When I took hers, I told myself, "Jude, take a chance. Don't let go until she does," and she hasn't. I almost wanted to jump up and down like a fucking girl. Seriously, Jude, Grow a pair of balls. I didn't even know what other people we're talking about. I just nodded and smiled because I was going out on a date with Lacy. I felt like there was something pounding on my chest, trying to get out.

Earlier I had kept my head down, praying to God. Yea, I believe in God go ahead and judge. Haters gonna hate. I just really concentrated, hoping God's signal wasn't messed up and that he could receive his prayer service or whatever, "Dear Lord," I murmured, "I hope you can hear me. I, well there's no hiding it. I really like this girl. I just don't want to hurt her. Please, help put Lacy's mom. I know that she's not feeling at all good and I don't want Lacy to feel bad just because her mom is. Help me. I've never asked of anything else but this. Help me find a way to get close to Lacy without her getting harmed. I've never felt this way before and ugh..I guess it does feel great. To like someone. Alright, peace out Jesus Christ. Oh, and um Amen." I opened my eyes and joined the conversations with Cade and Dakota and my sister.

I was going to make this the best fucking date she has ever had.

Lacy's POV

I was washing the dished when Caroline came in, "Oh, honey you don't need to do that!"

"Oh no, I insist Caroline!" I could practically feel her burning holes into my face as she watched me.

"I'm so glad your dating Jude."

"I snapped my head in her direction and started to laugh, "We're not dating!"

"Really?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Of course not! We're just friends."

"Oh... a pity." I scrunched my eyebrows together and she explained, "In just the short time you've known Jude, you've changed him. I can actually see a glimpse of the man I want him to become: a gentleman."


"So, I'd be perfectly okay if you two ever did get together," she winked.

"We're just--"

"Friends. I got it. Just...think about it." she walked away.

Stupid Jude and your perfect mother. Stupid food for making me bloated. Stupid me for ever jumping into that car. Stupid Lacy for trusting a stranger. Stupid stranger for being so attractive. Stupid hormones for liking Jude. Stupid me for asking Jude out on that date. Stupid me for letting him let go of my hand.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid me.
♠ ♠ ♠
:) Just a hint, if you haven't picked up on it: I update when I get comments. If I don't, I feel like no ones listening and I lose inspiration:/

PS (on a side note for me): YAY FOR HITTING MY 20TH CHAPTER:)