Status: Active, comments will probably speed up the process, haha:)

So You Say Your Rich


“Dang it,” I held it up in the air…and out the window…and on the other side of my car, until I gave up and threw it across seat. “Well crap,” I ran my hand threw my silky hair.

“Do you need another ride?” I heard Jude say.

I looked over to my right and said, “No, not from you.”

“Ouch, I think I’m gonna need some ointment for that burn.”

“Yea, probably.”

“Well, I can’t leave you here without a ride.”

“Why not? Because it would really make my day if you would leave.” I looked straight at him and glared.

“Come on, Miss Bipolar.” He opened the car door with a creak and I just stared at him.

“Miss Bipolar? Really? What does that even mean?” I said as I grabbed my ice cream and purse and got out of the car.

“Well, you act like it. Earlier today you were a nice person and now you hate me.” He said.

“God, I barely know you. Correction: I don’t know you, okay? So it shouldn’t really matter if I don’t like you or not, because seriously bro, I was taught not to talk to stranger so, yea.” I got in his car and buckled up.

“Yet here you are taking a ride from one.” He showed his pearly whites while starting the sky blue Lamborghini.

“Touché.” I said.

There was silence while he drove, until finally he broke the silence with the worse question ever, “So how’s your mom? Did you get her to a hospital?”

I gritted my teeth as I said, “My mother does not need a hospital, she is perfectly healthy.”

“Don’t lie to yourself.” I couldn’t believe this guy!

“Again, strangers.” I reminded him.

“Well I just want to help.” He said.

“Help? You want to help? Fine, my mom is depressed okay? Severely depressed. She cry’s like clockwork. It started about a couple years ago when dad killed himself and my sister ditched us. And every night I go and buy this,” I held up the ice cream, “so that I can go home to my mom and watch Disney movies and pray to God that she hasn’t followed my dad’s example and kill herself. And that’s why I’m driving a beat up piece of shit because I have to pay for her medications so she doesn’t turn end up cutting her wrists. Can you help with that?"

There was silence, in which Jude just stared at me, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize --”

I cut him off, “Of course you didn’t realize, your life is perfect. You drive a decent car. You probably live in a mansion and smoke money cause you have so much of it. I bet mommy and daddy spoil their little boy good. So whoop-de-freaking-do I’m glad you’ve lead a perfect life I’m glad you’ve had friends who are equally rich as you. I bet you even have enough money to build your own Hogwarts and have all your little celebrity friends live with you--”

But this time he cut me off, “Get out.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so I deleted the chapter that was originally chapter 5
I felt that it wasn't really going anywhere and it was poorly written (in my view)
If you actually did like that chapter, I can incorperate it in here
If you want to know what I'm talking about you can ask me and I'll
message you what I had originally had up here:)
Thanks, haha please comment and subscribe!!