Status: Active, comments will probably speed up the process, haha:)

So You Say Your Rich

It’s a Small World After All.

Lacy's POV

-5 minutes earlier

I got in the car and smiled at the boys. The one at the wheel had spiky golden hair with green eyes and a goofy grin. The other guy had curly black hair that barely cleared his head; he also had a goofy grin on his face. I smiled and closed the door behind me. “You’re hot,” the curly said, a bit of drool almost left his mouth before Spikes smacked him and they both snapped out of it.

“Sorry, my friend’s a bit retarded.” Spikes said, flashing his teeth. Curly opened his mouth really wide in shock and mouthed words inaudibly. “See, what’d I tell ya?”

I laughed and messed up curly’s hair and said, “You’re not retarded are you?” I looked him dead in the eye and he got this sort of hypnotic eyes and shook his head back and forth.

“No ma’am.” I smiled.

“I’m Cade.” Spikes said, he reached out his hand, took mine, and kissed the top of it.

“I’m Dakota!” Curly smacked Cade’s out of the way and took my hand and shook it fiercely.

“Anyways, do you have time to maybe visit a friend of ours? We were heading over there and he’s got a big house.” Cade said. I bit my lip and thought. I looked down at my ice cream, which was now melting a little. A sudden image of my mom popped in my head and I wanted to go and check on her but she’s been doing fine so… Then again, these are complete strangers that I don’t know and could be rapists… And I’d be going to a house that I don’t know. Rapist house or my mom, a Disney movie, and some ice cream… “You know what? Why not?”

“Yea! That’s the spirit! Why not?” Cade laughed. Once we got to the biggest house I’d ever seen I got out of the truck and just stood there. “It’s just so big!” I whispered.

I could have sworn that I heard Dakota say, “That’s what she said,” to Cade but I didn’t push it. Dakota went on ahead and Cade put his arm around me. Rapist. The word flashed through my mind, as he led me into the house.

“So how long have you been here? I haven’t seen you here before.” I asked.

“About 30 minutes, and if the town looks as good as you, I’ll stay longer than I intended to.” Cade grinned widely, I laughed, and so did he. We came around the corner and I spotted what should have been another reason not to get into Cade’s and Dakota’s truck. What on earth did I do to deserve this? Jude had a look of disbelief and shock plastered on his face.

“Mister Douche?!” I gasped as he said, “Miss Bipolar?!” he looked over at Dakota, “Why did you bring her here?”

“Whoa, whoa bro, we didn’t think your taste in girls had changed! We wouldn’t have brought her!” Dakota raised his hands in surrender.

“Well you shouldn’t have brought her poor ass here!”

“God!” I threw my hands in the air, getting rid of Cade’s arm that was around me, “You are just- just so- so…ugh!” I stomped my foot and ran up to him, hand ready to slap.

“Whoa there Ghost Rider,” Cade held me back, “No need to fight. We need a session of “How to make friends” He had us sit on the couch opposite of him and Dakota and put a very serious psychiatrist look on his face, and I know when I see those faces, I’d seen plenty via my mom’s doctors. “Now can you tell me what’s going on between you two?” I started talking when Jude did so it was a bunch of yelling until Cade did a Jesus snap and it echoed through the room. “I’d like Jude to tell me his point of view.”

“Why, because you know him?” I blurted.

“No,” Cade said simply, and left it at that. Jude was on the far side of the couch so we were nowhere near each other he gave me a snide look and opened his mouth to speak, “Well, to even the jury can I invite a couple of friends?” It got quiet and I saw Jude shaking his head violently in a desperate, “no” signal. Cade and Dakota got up and discussed the matter.

“So this is where rich brats live. Well, your house lives up to its expectation.” I said.

“You know what, Lacy. I wouldn’t be talking, maybe you should leave and make sure your mother is still alive!” he said. I grinded my teeth and got ready to say every horrible word I ever knew but just then Dakota and Cade came over.

“We agree that would be just fine.”Cade said. Thank you God in heaven.
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